do no harm:

idit dobb-weinstein: "teaching is action and thinking at once. What I try to guard against most when I teach is not speaking as if my answer were conclusive, so as to avoid (to the extent possible) any kind of dogmatic appropriation. It is understandable why students might wish to imitate their teachers, but there are different modes of imitation. I try very hard to avoid the mimetic appropriation that is immediate, passive, and occludes thinking. One other reason is that if I made clear what my views were, and my views appeared as if they were final, it would preclude the possibility of first, students challenging me and second, learning from my students. The relation between the student and teacher is, to me, a dynamic relationship . . . Teaching and learning is a movement that occurs between. In other words, we are at once both agent and patient, both teacher and learner. If we are not very careful, we can do a great deal of harm. And that, too, I have learned from my teachers, Maimonides especially.

I believe my task is to provoke students to think and to engage them in genuine dialogue and questioning. To paraphrase a rabbinic saying, 'I have learned from my teachers, and I have learned from my peers, but I have learned most from my students.' And that is a continuous process of learning."

Wednesday 4 August 2010

animal torture and blame-the-rape-victim

just having a bad flashback to the day lanzer explained how the famous rape on LACC campus was the woman's fault.  i took my first class at LACC in feb 2007.  the rape was in 2006 and the sherriff made a very callous comment blaming the woman as well.

nice of the activists to show up protesting the rape apologists and put it all on indymedia!

as for lanzer---i have blocked out a lot of the cruel sexist joking at LACC.  isn't it weird when a grown man who ask students out to the point of them dropping his class to avoid him---makes jokes about how its the rape victim's fault?

also having bad flashbacks to the animal disembowelment video and the throw-the-live-chicken-in-the-fire video we had to watch in anthropology land with bartelt, who laughed at the class as they winced in discomfort and then talked down to the massive vegan demographic that asked why it was necessary to torture animals---or to force all of us to watch his animal torture videos.

i am still sad about the girl who was harassed by the drunk ASO president, and the fact that sheila was criminalized for being a whistleblower.

tip of the iceberg---

i wonder who else dates students . . . oh but i know . . .

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