do no harm:

idit dobb-weinstein: "teaching is action and thinking at once. What I try to guard against most when I teach is not speaking as if my answer were conclusive, so as to avoid (to the extent possible) any kind of dogmatic appropriation. It is understandable why students might wish to imitate their teachers, but there are different modes of imitation. I try very hard to avoid the mimetic appropriation that is immediate, passive, and occludes thinking. One other reason is that if I made clear what my views were, and my views appeared as if they were final, it would preclude the possibility of first, students challenging me and second, learning from my students. The relation between the student and teacher is, to me, a dynamic relationship . . . Teaching and learning is a movement that occurs between. In other words, we are at once both agent and patient, both teacher and learner. If we are not very careful, we can do a great deal of harm. And that, too, I have learned from my teachers, Maimonides especially.

I believe my task is to provoke students to think and to engage them in genuine dialogue and questioning. To paraphrase a rabbinic saying, 'I have learned from my teachers, and I have learned from my peers, but I have learned most from my students.' And that is a continuous process of learning."

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

at the lawyers guild, i met this amazing lawyer lisa jaskol, a pioneer of campus sexual harassment law.
the women lawyers association of los angeles

"Amicus Briefs 
Chair:  Lisa Jaskol 
( and Cynthia E. Tobisman (ctobisman@gmsr.comThe Amicus Committee evaluates pending cases raising legal and public policy issues affecting women, and, in those cases in which WLALA agrees to participate, prepares or edits amicus briefs on behalf of WLALA.  In recent years, WLALA has participated as an amicus in a number of precedent-setting cases, including Davis v. Monroe County, in which the U.S. Supreme Court held that school districts may be held liable for their own deliberate indifference of student-on-student sexual harassment, and United States v. Morrison, in which the U.S. Supreme Court declared the civil rights remedy of the Violence against Women Act unconstitutional."

getting some support from fellow students!!!!
LACC IP club founder says please speak slowly.

now he finally gets what i am saying about embedding video in the blog.

i told him we can do the same for the IP club if we could get to an unblocked signal.
why does LACC hate tech so much?
no that's not it.
its so easy.
i wish i could broadcast duffy, he's so great!!!!  in property law---back to my class notes---here

making mp3s

got a little testy over the concern for my safety leaving lawyers guild last night.
i was like yes, i have been raped, strangled, car-jacked, robbed.
no big deal.
read about it here:
the poverty/environmentalism which sees my tough self home by bus or train, means i feel sorry for the car people.
that they have to be so condescending, when actually i feel sorry for them, that they never get any exercise, and are scared to walk to the bus stop.

i don't really believe in real this or real that.
i'm totally facetious as usual lol!
but if you want to read about the real LACC
read here:
its wiki-real!
open to change and wiki-nerd modification.
i'm a blogger nerd not a wiki nerd.

oh and my friend is dropping his class with the majorly sexist law prof.  he can't take it anymore.
why does the prof have a job?
why does he terrorize innocent minds?
why does admin protect it and not demand more?

i want interviews explaining things.

dan diamond says i need to go the school board or sacramento or something.  i already did, but need to again, because the icing on the cake keeps getting thicker.  the belligerent stream of cruelty is irrevocable.  it poisons the experience.
it gives me anxiety.
it also makes me laugh it is so absurd.

thinking of shelley's writing the necessity of atheism and getting kicked out of oxford in consequence, and his young death.
funny that writing can be so dangerous.
but is it?
i think of blogs as ghettos for the disenfranchised educationally.
if i'd gotten a stupid PHD by now i could have had one of those cush do-nothing jobs, at least at LACC or utah state or somewhere boring.
and have a little money, and drink coffee, and go to school to call kids a bunch of epithets my racist sexist parents/teachers taught me.
and get paid for it.
get the school sued for it.
piss off a bunch of people.
reinforce the status quo.
go way hoi polloi.
make them laugh like LACC is the comedy store and i'm michael richards.

hey but wait a minute, my parents were enlightened people . . . and i don't watch TV . . . and when lame hipsters try to rub their creepy sexist language off on me, i tell them to never call me again.
i really mean it.
i am so over all this creepiness.

except i'm bought off by hope for a degree, a good class, a crystal of information, a shred of respect, a discussion, a learning experience, a job, a future, a pell grant, a loan.

ready for a mountain.
and can't wait for class tomorrow.
class sometimes makes my head feel amazingly sparkly.
it was so funny one day when bartelt said "speak english woman!" when i said double entendre.
what a laugh.
new resolution, to try to write like i think.
and if that means some nonsense or latin or french or whatever so be it.
it will be wonderful
just wish i knew hebrew and arabic.

i love the internet.
fantastic times at LACC!!!!

love my classes!!!!!

sheila and i went to the lawyers guild last night and had a blast learning about the budget crisis and protest arrests and police involvement.

LACC is a beautiful spartan campus nestled in the interstices between koreatown and hollywood.
there are such lovely people there and such a wealth of diversity!!!!  i will never have such a good time!!!

but i wish my professors were more respectful, or modern, or tech savy, or that teachers cared about equality. equality is a joke.

my favorite professors made jokes yesterday about prostitution and margaret thatcher being a man.
i found it tasteless and unfunny.
but at least we know what their obsessions are.

these are the good teachers, the excellent ones, comparatively.
i like them in spite of everything.

ms. matranga in OSS really tried to put out my passion over disability rights.
all this tech stuff is confusing i know!!!!
equality stuff!
out of the stone ages stuff!!!

lawyers are the best!!!!
i think eric kim rules for getting LACC the best price on incompetance.
he wouldn't tell me how much LACC had to settle for, but i am sure he worked hard to cover for the lazy administrations failure to prevent lawsuits.

gene little said that some students allege racism when they get bad grades.
cool thing about me is i don't give a flip about grades!!!!!

so my motives are a little more pure.
i care about respect, and getting my grants and loans, and getting to a better school, and a better city.
but if the old mavens think i will not talk back when they spew misogyny all over the class, they are wrong.
in titus andronicus, the maimers of lavinia cut out her tongue so she could not speak.
that won't be me.
i will not have my mouth taped, veiled, muffled, silenced.
my favorite professor of all time had to sue regarding discriminatory tenuring policies.
the fight is not over, for respect.

give a little, and they will take a lot.
better to be on the offense, and let them know, we have higher standards, academically and otherwise.
okay we don't have a big budget.
but plenty of people with lots of money have no class, and plenty of poor people have tons of class.
so LACC has to act all shady and hateful and cover their tracks and insult people at every turn like its not the internet age.
like we won't video it, tape it, blog it, remember it, sue over it.
they are so funny.
they come from innocent times, when you could get away with murder.
true equality and true respect are just around the corner.
but the pompous fools with big egos and outdated worldviews have to divest of their hatred, and look critically at their own creepiness, before the future can happen.
it is not cool to cut the disability services budget.
its not cool to block the technology that would bring the school up-to-date.
it is not cool to keep calling women prostitues and cheesecakes in class.
its LAME.

Monday, 5 April 2010

letter to district counsel eric kim:

more blogs

two more class blogs for educational purposes---are you anti-education or anti-functionality of internet web notetaking?

do you realize i am volunteering as an innovator for the tech pilot program which will catch lacc up to date with tech streaming etc?
i have the support of several professors and susan matranga in OSS (for disabilities).

are you aware of the digital components of all the best schools, stanford, harvard, LSE etc?
do you realize i am doing this for free bc i really care about education and learning and disability rights?

this is for our extracurricular IP club that deals with paralegal club dept deficits.
why is LACC anti-tech?

why is the IT signal so slow and blocked against streaming classes?
do you realize how beneficial open content will be for tutors for the blind and dyslexic, everyone?

do you realize this could be a paid IT job of the future---to build archives of the teachers who are actually good?
duffy in law and bartelt in anthropology have such worthwhile classes, and they are both supportive and intrigued.

i really appreciate your attention, and think it is very important for you to make such requests, for your records, visavis old fashioned IP norms.

i however do not politically believe in censorship and restriction of information on IP or any other grounds, as i similarly, and yet seemingly contradictorily do not want to be around crass proffs who fill their own mouths with expletives and spew them on us.

if they want to be crass and foul and sexist, maybe they need a blog, and then someone with some skill and decency could have a job, and we could retire the offending profs and their enabling admin protectors.

gene little was really nice today on the phone.  
i added a disclaimer to the real lacc.
you know i publish and delete things all the time on a whim.  but you know it is admin's province to head off PR nightmares in the digital age.

if they adequately trained professors and dealt with the epidemic of incompetence, their would be no blogs decrying them.

so why don't you send christie passman a takedown notice too, and tell her to clean up the sloppy lazy misogynistic and racist language and harassment that permeates many departments.
why don't you guys get proactive?
to protect the taxpayer, protect the students, and to protect yourselves.

the blogosphere should be the least of your worries.  it is the real incompetence and failure for educational equity that is the real problem.
real human beings are walking out of class because of sexism, islamophobia, denigration of mexicans, sterotyping african-americans, sexual harassment by gym teachers, law proffs obsessed by the words slut whore hooker prostitute and a homophobic obsession over whether or not tom cruise is gay.
this is total BS and not academic.
it is not equal and not fair.
i'm giving you a heads up to be nice.
same for the kids.
mary eng
i just wanted to thank office of legal counsel for LACC district for reading my blog!!!!!!!  thanks eric kim!  i'm sorry i was so aggressive on the phone!  i just think its such a waste of school money and student time, to have an administration that can't screen out the sexist proffs or at least advise them of the legal responsibility to shut their yapping sexist mouths!!!!
they can totally still be sexist and creepy on their own time, it just shouldn't happen at LACC paid for by tax dollars.
its unfair.
its sloppy.
it was also nice talking to gene little about equality on campus.  i told him we are on the same team.
neither of us want any more expensive lawsuits wasting LACC money over professorial incompetence.  the funny thing about free speech, is that the blogosphere is really free.
so free i think i'll copy paste eric kim's take down notice so we can discuss intellectual property and censorship with a fun study problem.

while it would be super easy to censor this out of the school paper, or the company website, this is an entirely different medium.
probably nobody reads this, so i don't think eric kim, legal counsel to the school, should be so worried.
and like i told gene little a moment ago, if the professors were 100% professional and non-offensive, antiracist, and antisexist, then there would be no reason to waste my time writing a blog on a field of law i find rather boring.

i am far more interested in environmental and human rights law.
the fact that the professors think its okay to speak sexistly to women, is just so shocking.  so old school.  so bad TV.
i thought they were trying to get fired, but really, friends don't fire each other.

i think the brilliant fink lawyer and i had some ideological disparities, or rather, lucrative disparities.  while being an outstanding pioneer on sexual harassment law, this might not be a quick kill.  we do have to work within the prevailing idiocracy which prefers egregious harassment.

i love talking to these honored elders.  i'm sorry if i implied they are out of touch or complacent.
i'm not going to be around much longer anyway.
i'm doing it for the people.
even a lot of guys are sick of sexist backward professors.
i'm not kidding.
young guys are so amazing sometimes.
they just are so much more fair.
i love it!!!!
so the BS radar is in place, and thanks for reading!!!!
hopefully everything will be so perfect from now on, that we can whitewash history!!!!! pretend that women were never shut out of academia, pretend they don't make 60-70% of the white male dollar.  Pretend LAPD prosecutes rape, and doesn't just ignore the DNA evidence.  we can pretend that women are not harassed at work or the home too.

the huge waste of time, of taking a class, and then showing up to be verbally abused, and condescended to . . .  well . . .
blogs are free!!!!!

but what eric kim doesn't get about the algebra blogspot is that i have the support of disability services which was so excited to see the american sign language videoed via free  i am working as a volunteer to develop alternative tutorial methods.
and build archives.
so is office of legal counsel trying to say they really want dyslexic people and deaf people to not have learning resources?
that seems pretty anti-education to me.

p.s. its not like i think lacc district would actually sue me, although it would be totally funny.
sue me for #1 getting harassed and #2 complaining.  that would be so bogus.
they need to learn how the internet works.

its not my job to contain damage.  its their problem.  its their little PR nightmare and all the more reason they should get their professors into shape.
so they don't get bad reviews on yelp or ratemyproffs or blogs dah!

Hello Ms. Eng: 
I hope you were able to get in touch with Cristy Passman, Compliance Officer at LACC or Gene Little, the District's Director of Diversity Programs, after our conversation.   
Also, the Los Angeles Community College District (the "District") requests that you change the name of your blog(s), (i.e., "," "") so that "lacc" is not incorporated into the name.   Under the California Education Code, the college names and abbreviations of those names are the property of the District, and cannot, without permission of the District, be used to designate any business, social, political, religious, or other organization.  Of course, you are certainly free to comment about LACC within the body of the blog.  Thank you.    
Eric Kim, Assistant General Counsel