i have spies. not really. but the grapevine.
it makes its way around.
my un-named source has a friendwho takes class with the professor described as the one who takes acid with the kids.
now i don't know if this is true, but how timothy leary.
and i heard he went out to do shrooms with the beautiful portugese student he was sleeping with.
but when tax money is involved, it is obvious that she might be exploiting him as a servant of the state.
and so the latest on sexist pottymouth genius bartelt is that there is a group of girls who sit in the back of the classroom and and are considering whether or not to make a complaint on his sexism/epithets/nastiness.
the girls feel intimidated.
the phrase pearls before swine . . . comes to mind.
he is going a little crazy she says. (my sources come from conservativeland, and are unknowing of the occult . . .)
he spoke of
animals painted in caves . . .
what do you find in common with these animals
owl in the tree
i know to run because witches turn into owls.
his friend thinks he's brilliant.
of course he is.
and that is why it hurts to see such brilliance turning into buckets of deep-fried sleeze.
renounce your white skin privilege say the black panthers
and then
renounce your male privilege so too . . .
as for only letting the men talk in class, and shooting the women down every time they begin to speak . . .
i have spies. not really. but the grapevine.
it makes its way around.
my un-named source has a friendwho takes class with the professor described as the one who takes acid with the kids.
now i don't know if this is true, but how timothy leary.
and i heard he went out to do shrooms with the beautiful portugese student he was sleeping with.
but when tax money is involved, it is obvious that she might be exploiting him as a servant of the state.
and so the latest on sexist pottymouth genius bartelt is that there is a group of girls who sit in the back of the classroom and and are considering whether or not to make a complaint on his sexism/epithets/nastiness.
the girls feel intimidated.
the phrase pearls before swine . . . comes to mind.
he is going a little crazy she says. (my sources come from conservativeland, and are unknowing of the occult . . .)
he spoke of
animals painted in caves . . .
what do you find in common with these animals
owl in the tree
i know to run because witches turn into owls.
his friend thinks he's brilliant.
of course he is.
and that is why it hurts to see such brilliance turning into buckets of deep-fried sleeze.
renounce your white skin privilege say the black panthers
and then
renounce your male privilege so too . . .
as for only letting the men talk in class, and shooting the women down every time they begin to speak . . .