do no harm:

idit dobb-weinstein: "teaching is action and thinking at once. What I try to guard against most when I teach is not speaking as if my answer were conclusive, so as to avoid (to the extent possible) any kind of dogmatic appropriation. It is understandable why students might wish to imitate their teachers, but there are different modes of imitation. I try very hard to avoid the mimetic appropriation that is immediate, passive, and occludes thinking. One other reason is that if I made clear what my views were, and my views appeared as if they were final, it would preclude the possibility of first, students challenging me and second, learning from my students. The relation between the student and teacher is, to me, a dynamic relationship . . . Teaching and learning is a movement that occurs between. In other words, we are at once both agent and patient, both teacher and learner. If we are not very careful, we can do a great deal of harm. And that, too, I have learned from my teachers, Maimonides especially.

I believe my task is to provoke students to think and to engage them in genuine dialogue and questioning. To paraphrase a rabbinic saying, 'I have learned from my teachers, and I have learned from my peers, but I have learned most from my students.' And that is a continuous process of learning."

Wednesday, 4 August 2010

facebook sexual harassment by LACC student government

to all these people collecting a state salary:; LACCD counsel legal;;; israel fonseci 

an LACC student has drawn to my attention to several LACC students leaders who are using their facebooks to say harassing and/or sexually harassing things about me.

the most egregious was a comment on ASO senator scott clapson's page saying

"i guess she's not going to have her clam banged anytime soon"  which means sex----- to this kind of perverted way of describing the female genitalia.

and then anthropology club president olivia clemens calls me "stark raving mad" on the same facebook thread on scott clapson's facebook.

what do you think about this kind of talk?

i would like to make an official report about this as well---as i feel the school should not foster this bully attitude in intimidating others out of whistleblowing the sexism that this school seems to promote.

isn't this worthy of trying to prevent?

the students are mad at me for calling out the teachers sexism and cursing in the class.

and so instead of there being a resolution, they harass the whistleblower.

are you guys okay with this?

can you tell me the progress on my numerous complaints

regarding the sheila dharod defamation case regarding the ASO alcohol/harassment of the minor expose and sheila's subsequent censure by scott clapson

as well as the various instances of cursing and sexism which i reported.

i feel awful by the way!

mary eng

animal torture and blame-the-rape-victim

just having a bad flashback to the day lanzer explained how the famous rape on LACC campus was the woman's fault.  i took my first class at LACC in feb 2007.  the rape was in 2006 and the sherriff made a very callous comment blaming the woman as well.

nice of the activists to show up protesting the rape apologists and put it all on indymedia!

as for lanzer---i have blocked out a lot of the cruel sexist joking at LACC.  isn't it weird when a grown man who ask students out to the point of them dropping his class to avoid him---makes jokes about how its the rape victim's fault?

also having bad flashbacks to the animal disembowelment video and the throw-the-live-chicken-in-the-fire video we had to watch in anthropology land with bartelt, who laughed at the class as they winced in discomfort and then talked down to the massive vegan demographic that asked why it was necessary to torture animals---or to force all of us to watch his animal torture videos.

i am still sad about the girl who was harassed by the drunk ASO president, and the fact that sheila was criminalized for being a whistleblower.

tip of the iceberg---

i wonder who else dates students . . . oh but i know . . .

"transvestites teach real women how to be real women"---anthropology at LACC

or then
"i have absolutely no sympathy for anorexia or bulimia" or "shitty" this and "bitching" that.
can you imagine the trauma of being around so much negativity?????

is this academic?????

sometimes its hard to know who is treating you what way and why.

i think i got a "C" in anthropology bc i'm gay.  because i'm not a real woman.

i'm not that gay but pretty gay.  about half and half.

and in my history reading simone de beauvoir, irigaray, virginia woolf, kate chopin, sylvia plath, the brontes, emily dickinson, naomi wolf, julia kristeva, gertrude stein, jeanette winterson, etc----

i learned to have a good dose of disbelief about people who call women

"tits" or "tits and ass" or "slut" or "dumb woman" or "horrible woman" especially in the classroom at LACC.

or who think i want to hear the word "whore" over and over again in a movie in criminal law.

or "vagina"from professor eckford as he defends the use of "tits and ass" in anthropology.  he said there would only be three words left if those words were forbidden.

this is so obviously obtuse to the future where women do not have to undergo linguistic humiliation to take a class or improve their mind.

they obviously cannot read basic law on the internet pertaining to civil rights, either.

so part of why i am not submissive to this style of "pedagogy" as eckford likes to call it, which linguistically humiliates women, and then demands their submission andd silence, is because i am too gay, or rebellious, or "psycho" as the LACC ASO creeps on facebook would have it.

it is so third reich to treat women like the ultimate jew here, and then demand we shut up and take it.

and then hear about "cowschwitz" uttered in the classroom as thouigh factory farming=holocaust bc jewish people=cows
this is just so plainly anti-semitic.
my best friend is jewish!

fricking lay off!
of everybody, women, jewish people, bulimics, transvestites-----

LACC is so stuck in the past.

i feel so extra lesbian, other, trans, jewish, polymorphic indignant around this, like valerie solanas's scum manifesto.

i just don't get why women roll over and play dead when men insult them, and continue to consolidate various kinds of power.

my friend dustin mosley said, "that guy sounds like an a------ . . ."

pam cash said "he would have been fired if he worked at UCSD.

the point about my gayness comes up as i hear about the don't ask don't tell conviction.

now this may be a stretch of your imagination especially if all your psychic and intellectual conditioning comes from LACC ASO senator scott clapson's  unimaginative facebook wall where he maintains a little hate-athon in my honor with pornographic epithets and anthropology club president olivia clemens diagnosis: she is "stark raving mad."

i am so sorry i ever divulged my personal feelings to olivia for her anthropology project.
she obviously has no thankfulness or comprehension, but wants to humiliate me for her little facebook ghetto.

which that is retaliatory too!  why?

but i think my gayness gets in the way of accepting second-class citizenship and linguistic humiliation and epithet in the classroom.

it doesn't turn me on.
my gender identity does not involve being so humiliated.
it seems lame,
it seems unfair.

cristy passman says "if the boys are getting off" then it is okay.

isn't it weird how she talks about LACC like porn.  i think its pretty trashy of her, and mystifying that she is in charge of disciplining the professors.

monkey court!

and ah---so i feel like my lesbianism was getting in the way of my roll over and play dead submissiveness----which the lack thereof was getting in the way of my getting an A in anthropology.

because if i could just sit there and let the insults fly, and demurely nod like its the 1950's and i have no soul---and/or i both pity/despise the men enough to expect nothing from them . . .

in fact i want them to know that this is respect.
i respect them enough to demand more.

if i were sexist like a lot of women, i might make excuses and just say, "oh he's just a man."
but i think men are people too and everybody can treat everybody fairly.

and so by asking this---i want to thank dr burnett for conducting a follow-up investigation of why cristy passman is covering up for the lame sexist abusiveness in the classroom.  dr. burnett is really kind to listen to me and encourage me to dispute the "C" i was given for not being submissive or a "real woman" and just letting the "tits and ass" or "slut" fly out of professor-mouth unquestioned.

can you believe that the teacher said "transvestites teach real women how to be real women."
i think this is so offensive to so many people on so many levels.
i said so, in a very polite way, detailing the modulation of complex factors culturally, endocrinely, etc. and mentioning judith butler's seminal book gender trouble.
he said "we don't want to wig anyone out" which etymologically is the equivalent of saying "you are on drugs" so much so that your neurons are going so fast that your wig jumps off.
this is 90's raver slang---and in itself a very rude response to a very academic argument in the face of
"transvestites teach real women how to be real women."
i don't care what passe sexist academic from USC you are citing for this convoluted ideology, it is totally unfair, and retrogressive, and not futuristic.

"we don't want to wig anyone out here"---that is not anything to say to a student who defends freedom of gender expression and freedom from gendernorm stereotyping.

i think the homophobia angle is real.  i think i don't fit into somebody's stereotype of submissive doormat sh*teater so therefore----shazamm----"C."

and i still can't believe i was denied my presentation on Islam.  it was part of the reason i did not drop the class---i felt the subject was so important and fascinating and i couldn't wait to share it---for the sake of building compassion.

Monday, 2 August 2010

anthropology club president reaches out for a little facebook hate

i had the extreme misfortune of my "friend" eric hamilton exposing me to this creepy facebook thread in which LACC anthropology club president olivia clemens calls me "stark raving mad" and other creepy people say unrepeatable sexist sexual things.

so i guess LACC is not big enough for all the LACC haters so they have to get on facebook late at night to hate on other people.

which in a sense i see that there is a progressive effect of people becoming more confident etc.
but i think they should get a blog or something more literate than a wall for a few derogatory words.

since olivia is the most civilized of the haters, and someone who i kind of like, even though she was mad i stood up for her getting walked on every time she said anything in class---i wrote her this:

i am sorry you engage in so much hatred on facebook

i normally stay away from it as it is a cesspit of illiteracy but eric had to show me 

scott was really mean to my friend sheila who defended a girl who had been sexually harassed by the ASO president

i thought it was racist and sexist the way he ridiculed sheila

i wish you a lot of peace

i don't know if that is really how you should present yourself

i am sorry i defended you regarding bartelt's rudeness every time you talked.

i thought you had a lot of good things to say and that he was rude to you frequently.

i am much happier now around more civilized people

eric hamilton is a nice person but i don't get why he would show me all this facebook trash 

you can always write me or if you really wanted to go public with hating on me you could choose a better publicity arena than facebook.

bc facebook is kind of a closed thing for your private "friends" & facebook addicts
i was so lucky to have an intelligent respectful family and high school and college experience.

so going to LACC was like going to gutter school with a bunch of dimwit trashmouths.

it is really sad that poor people are faced with this kind of lack of quality.

even though you find it necessary to be mean on facebook i wish you a lot of joy etc.
well----the ghost of LACC is more than enough bad energy for an evening.  but thankfully i will not be cavorting with the facebook haters on the fantasy world called facebook.

so isn't it nice to know that standing up for women's right to get an education in an harassment-free atmosphere guarantees infinities of trash talk from LACC student leaders on facebook.

take that, women!

and then have some ugly creepy guy commenting on scott clapson's wall with insanely crude misogynistic anatomical references to me.

yes to me.

as in "no one's going to bang her clam."

doesn't that just make you want to throw up?

as in these are your student leaders and your "friends", people i wouldn't ever like to be in the same room with with such trashy mouths!  LACC is a half-step up from that portapotty where you smoke crack if you ask me.

i wouldn't let these people anywhere near my children if i had any.

more than ever i feel like LACC was some kind of karmic doom/purgatory i had to suffer through from some misguided desire for paralegal training.

good luck to the rest of you if you are still there!  i'm so sorry!  i wish i could do more!