Advertising blog cash money people regarble my work.
this is a funny link. i think they sent the orig thru two translaters and then tried to increase their prime adwords or desired search words. its totally funny. old boys club gets changed to "old boys discotheque"!!!!!!
i am glad someone is making microcash off my writing, even if they garble it to a nonsensical extent.
hey, i am nonsensical enough without extra help, but thanks!!!!!!
power to the magical internet to self replicate and mutate! copy distribute open data forever!!!!!
for a laugh
check out:
so i am like a totally published author, despite the significant editorial garble!!!!!
thanks for caring!!!!
equality coalition for students by students please contact to share your story of racism, sexism, homophobia, disability discrimination, or general incompetence on LACC campus. this is for statistical research and equality advocacy purposes, and not in any way affiliated with LACC administration or district administration. no way.
do no harm:
idit dobb-weinstein: "teaching is action and thinking at once. What I try to guard against most when I teach is not speaking as if my answer were conclusive, so as to avoid (to the extent possible) any kind of dogmatic appropriation. It is understandable why students might wish to imitate their teachers, but there are different modes of imitation. I try very hard to avoid the mimetic appropriation that is immediate, passive, and occludes thinking. One other reason is that if I made clear what my views were, and my views appeared as if they were final, it would preclude the possibility of first, students challenging me and second, learning from my students. The relation between the student and teacher is, to me, a dynamic relationship . . . Teaching and learning is a movement that occurs between. In other words, we are at once both agent and patient, both teacher and learner. If we are not very careful, we can do a great deal of harm. And that, too, I have learned from my teachers, Maimonides especially.
I believe my task is to provoke students to think and to engage them in genuine dialogue and questioning. To paraphrase a rabbinic saying, 'I have learned from my teachers, and I have learned from my peers, but I have learned most from my students.' And that is a continuous process of learning."
Friday, 21 May 2010
theater of cruelty
(coercively censored parts semi-restored for indexing and searchability and in exercise of the first amendment, and to protect the future students of LACC)
as i walked from [1984] anthropology, i talked to some girls. one said another teacher (eckford) was making her cry. and that he tells her he is "too sensitive."
i mentioned this to the counselor at holmes hall, a woman of the older generation. i just stormed in and began sobbing and asked if there is counseling available. the counselor said "too sensitive" is code for a feminine perspective. and that as more women get more advanced degrees, hostility for them takes these subtle or not so subtle forms.
i told the girls that the free tuition will not be such a savings when i add up all the grief it has caused me.
i told them that i have never been pushed this far.
i marched up to social sciences department chair [1984]eckford 's office to let him know [1984] thinks "bitching" is okay for the classroom.
[1984]eckford said put it in an email.
[1984] eckford was very sympathetic when i described how awkward it is to be around an agressive male who shouts and gives into his anger and base instincts.
it is bringing out the worst in me.
[1984] told me of the way his friend is harassed for being a woman in a high position in her job and that people say its because she has "tits and ass," a phrase which resonates with hostility and a phrase which [1984] bartelt used when i asked him if he could be more respectful.
ask him about his "asshole hypothesis."
[1984] loves to take up 20 minutes explaining how there are two kinds of people in the world, assholes, and non-*holes.
contextually, [1984] was illustrating how mad he is for people thinking he's french, not german. hence, "bitching." european cultural pride can be so irrational, anyway. like what? is there something so wrong with being *? why get so angry?
and then he was saying he would be "*ing" at us if we skipped class or were late or something like that. hasn't he heard of the blogosphere? why not try to make a reputation for diplomacy, kindness, helpfulness, gentleness. i wouldn't let my children around people so foul mouthed.
when i told the ASO that their cruelty to sheila, and their protection of the harassment and intoxication of a minor was so offensive, compounded with the verbal abuse and salacious language of lanzer, lewis, and [1984]bartelt---would lead me to tell my sister
and indeed, i told my sister.
my sister is brilliant, gentle, and elegant. i want so much more for her!!!!!!!!
i wrote bartelt a hand written note about how hard it is to come to school as i struggle with rape trauma, depression, and agraphobic-like symptoms.
why does he have to be so aggressive? "i have no sympathy for anorexia and bulimia" he said tuesday.
hearing all this agressive speech just makes me feel bad. it makes a lot of us feel . . .
the girls told me to take back the word * and even the word *. i don't use these words.
that if the teachers are going to be so disrespectful, it's okay to take those words back.
at vanderbilt, i studied simone de beauvoir, luce irigaray whose language theory bears similarity to anthropology's sapir whorf hypothesis, that language shapes the way you see the world.
i read virginia wolf, naomi klein, erica jong, all the old feminist philosophers till i was blue in the face.
i had teachers like william franke, who speaks latin, greek, italian, french, german. he studied at oxford.
his presence was like that of an angel. every word from his mouth was like poetry.
he taught augustine and dante.
david wood taught nietzsche and heidegger. he advocated ethical vegetarianism. he brought in a piano recording of nietzsche's little heard compostion, which sounded much like schubert.
dr john carpenter was expert at japanese art history, and dealt delicately with issues of gender, belief, nature, commerce in the floating world, ukiyo-e.
i am so thrilled he has a great job now at the university of london. he deserves it!
he told me not to drop out of school. tat it was students like me that make teaching worthwhile.
he didn't understand the financial strain i was under. or maybe, he could imagine.
sara beardsworth taught the graduate level kristeva seminar, and allowed me to come to her classes.
she was patient and gentle and deliberate in her manner.
this was my philosophy teacher!!!!! she was so graceful and kind and respectful!!!!! i remember it.
and then idit dobbs-weinstein bears no words. she had to sue vanderbilt to keep her job. she introduced me to blanchot, to shoah, to prospero's books, to dead sea soap, to fava beans. she walked with the grace of a ballet dancer. she told me something about being young, and coming into focus. she wanted us to learn as many languages as possible. she had greek and latin and hebrew and french and german.
our classes were actually like cutting deep inside etymology and text.
"festine lente," she would say: make haste slowly.
she hinted at how poorly she was treated by her colleagues, whether because of anti-semitism or sexism or . . . don't you wonder?
one of the LACC women told me how hard it is to raise a child and go to school, and she feels faculty are insensitive to her needs.
amazingly by the time i got to the health service, i was in tears.
[1984] eckfordkindly asked me to write it up (the use of the word "bitching" in class). but really this is just too much work.
too bad my friend g. is so condescending about community college. he is pretty classist and negative like that. he doesn't know what its like to be poor and want an education so desperately, you'd put up with unimaginative professors with anger issues.
cristy passman, ombudsman, said well the guys are "getting off on" the foul language, as if that alone justified it. "getting off" is a vulgar expression. i wonder where she learned it. cristy is normally defensive of the abuse, but in a polite way. but yesterday she calmly explained that if the guys are "getting off" it's okay. harassment. and she doesn't consider it harassment. and it was so much worse in the sixties, blahblahblah.
i met today the gracious jane baxter spilios of the LACC speech department. she has a gracious way, uncommon to our modern era. i told her i heard she's great teacher. it was so comforting to speak to her about language. she spent a long time with me. she is so eloquent, and is appalled at the language i have heard in the paralegal and [1984]anthropology departments.
Ms. Spilios was shocked to hear a run-down of the assorted tawdry language young LACC women encounter from their young male professors.
she recommended i cantact passman, but i explained that she is no help. she is cover-up oriented.
she collects a check for nothing, and is rude to me, in a very subtle way.
i like it that she is subtle, whereas, the teachers are more overt, out of control.
i had to explain the crude significance of "getting off" to Ms. Spilios who is not familiar with the connotation of this slang. i think she is almost eighty . . .
in her speech classes she has a specific day when they discuss language No-no's. words that will hurt the effect of your speech, impugn your character, perhaps get you fired, or damage your career. I asked her what it was like to be a writer. i told her how much i admired emily dickinson and virginia woolf. she wrote a book Improve Your Spoken English, a book written for the exchange students at LACC in the fifties. She told me about the vietnam era on campus. and fearing for her safety, when hooligan students were stealing and damaging property, prior to the campus security protection. they had a system, where they would bang on the walls, to mobilize students for defense, in case of riot or attack!
the classrooms promised to protect each other.
when i felt such kindness and graciousness from the counselor at the health department and from Professor Spilios, i realized that LACC has a hidden resource for me. As the tears burn my eyes, i realize, i will return to these kind gracious women, who have incredible strength of character, and wisdom.
they are not like the young women, who are so blind to the internalized misogyny and so brainwashed by TV that they think IDIOCRACY at LACC is okay.
these gracious elder women come from a time when politeness and kindness were valuable traits. they obviously value education immensely. they understood. they didn't try to blame me for feeling bad, the way cristy passman does, blaming it on my past, or my sensitivity, and complaining that i am causing too much paperwork.
i think cristy knows that her job could be in question.
she claimed yesterday, "i am just too low on the totem pole" to implement policy change.
she appreciated my offer to help distribute the harassment policy to the classroom bulletin boards.
i could be her free intern, to help stand up for students who are treated poorly.
i told her about my disability access entusiasm.
she gave me a speech about, we do so much. wonderful.
but i don't think she understood my proposal: guerilla videoblogging of class and archiving for edu resource material databases. blah.
i think the internet copyriot open data revolution isn't hitting my campus. we're in a digital divide. arguing for high-tech strategies for disability rights i think is so important.
i told her about my friend with dyslexia. then she tried to blame my friend for being held back academically. i told her it was complicated. she wasn't being sensitive.
susan matranga (OSS director) was excited at first about my ides, but then was kind of rude to me, because she didn't understand my emails.
it was discouraging.
today, the counselor completely understood how demoralizing this classroom arrogance is. she let me sob. she gave me a hug. she comes from a different generation, closer to that of my grandparents, who were extremely gracious. she said i do not have to listen to the teacher's attempts to smother my voice "you have no case."
i spoke later with a friend of how it might be to be civilized and kind.
i think constantly of the film IDIOCRACY, set in a time in the future dystopia.
when i told my teacher, "the moral of the story is not to listen to women" i was making fun of how he gives preference to the boys in answering questions.
and he looked at me like "what?" i said,
"because i am a *."
i have never said this in my life. i think the bad vibes are rubbing off on me. i think i was making parody of his vulgarity, to show him how absurd he sounds. to show him that if he continually disparages women, christians, bulimics, whoever---so far as he's concerned, i am a * and i am *ing.
but i don't think of it that way at all.
i think of it like this: i care a lot about justice and fairness. my mom said my dad cared about fairness more than anyone she had ever met.
sorry about the typos and the bad language.
sorry about LACC.
on my note, i wrote "LOST CAUSE DEPARTMENT"
remembering beck: totally confused . . . he's only a person, who doesn't know *. . .
as i walked from [1984] anthropology, i talked to some girls. one said another teacher (eckford) was making her cry. and that he tells her he is "too sensitive."
i mentioned this to the counselor at holmes hall, a woman of the older generation. i just stormed in and began sobbing and asked if there is counseling available. the counselor said "too sensitive" is code for a feminine perspective. and that as more women get more advanced degrees, hostility for them takes these subtle or not so subtle forms.
i told the girls that the free tuition will not be such a savings when i add up all the grief it has caused me.
i told them that i have never been pushed this far.
i marched up to social sciences department chair [1984]eckford 's office to let him know [1984] thinks "bitching" is okay for the classroom.
[1984]eckford said put it in an email.
[1984] eckford was very sympathetic when i described how awkward it is to be around an agressive male who shouts and gives into his anger and base instincts.
it is bringing out the worst in me.
[1984] told me of the way his friend is harassed for being a woman in a high position in her job and that people say its because she has "tits and ass," a phrase which resonates with hostility and a phrase which [1984] bartelt used when i asked him if he could be more respectful.
ask him about his "asshole hypothesis."
[1984] loves to take up 20 minutes explaining how there are two kinds of people in the world, assholes, and non-*holes.
contextually, [1984] was illustrating how mad he is for people thinking he's french, not german. hence, "bitching." european cultural pride can be so irrational, anyway. like what? is there something so wrong with being *? why get so angry?
and then he was saying he would be "*ing" at us if we skipped class or were late or something like that. hasn't he heard of the blogosphere? why not try to make a reputation for diplomacy, kindness, helpfulness, gentleness. i wouldn't let my children around people so foul mouthed.
when i told the ASO that their cruelty to sheila, and their protection of the harassment and intoxication of a minor was so offensive, compounded with the verbal abuse and salacious language of lanzer, lewis, and [1984]bartelt---would lead me to tell my sister
and indeed, i told my sister.
my sister is brilliant, gentle, and elegant. i want so much more for her!!!!!!!!
i wrote bartelt a hand written note about how hard it is to come to school as i struggle with rape trauma, depression, and agraphobic-like symptoms.
why does he have to be so aggressive? "i have no sympathy for anorexia and bulimia" he said tuesday.
hearing all this agressive speech just makes me feel bad. it makes a lot of us feel . . .
the girls told me to take back the word * and even the word *. i don't use these words.
that if the teachers are going to be so disrespectful, it's okay to take those words back.
at vanderbilt, i studied simone de beauvoir, luce irigaray whose language theory bears similarity to anthropology's sapir whorf hypothesis, that language shapes the way you see the world.
i read virginia wolf, naomi klein, erica jong, all the old feminist philosophers till i was blue in the face.
i had teachers like william franke, who speaks latin, greek, italian, french, german. he studied at oxford.
his presence was like that of an angel. every word from his mouth was like poetry.
he taught augustine and dante.
david wood taught nietzsche and heidegger. he advocated ethical vegetarianism. he brought in a piano recording of nietzsche's little heard compostion, which sounded much like schubert.
dr john carpenter was expert at japanese art history, and dealt delicately with issues of gender, belief, nature, commerce in the floating world, ukiyo-e.
i am so thrilled he has a great job now at the university of london. he deserves it!
he told me not to drop out of school. tat it was students like me that make teaching worthwhile.
he didn't understand the financial strain i was under. or maybe, he could imagine.
sara beardsworth taught the graduate level kristeva seminar, and allowed me to come to her classes.
she was patient and gentle and deliberate in her manner.
this was my philosophy teacher!!!!! she was so graceful and kind and respectful!!!!! i remember it.
Sara Beardsworth | ||
Associate Professor | ||
Ph.D., University of Warwick | ||
Nineteenth and twentieth century European philosophy, Hegel, critical theory, feminist philosophy, psychoanalysis. Author ofJulia Kristeva: Psychoanalysis and Modernity. Editor of Julia Kristeva’s Ethical and Political Thought: Spindel Conference Proceedings. Articles on Kristeva, Freud, Irigaray, Adorno, and Benjamin" |
and then idit dobbs-weinstein bears no words. she had to sue vanderbilt to keep her job. she introduced me to blanchot, to shoah, to prospero's books, to dead sea soap, to fava beans. she walked with the grace of a ballet dancer. she told me something about being young, and coming into focus. she wanted us to learn as many languages as possible. she had greek and latin and hebrew and french and german.
our classes were actually like cutting deep inside etymology and text.
"festine lente," she would say: make haste slowly.
she hinted at how poorly she was treated by her colleagues, whether because of anti-semitism or sexism or . . . don't you wonder?
one of the LACC women told me how hard it is to raise a child and go to school, and she feels faculty are insensitive to her needs.
amazingly by the time i got to the health service, i was in tears.
i found jerome hard at work on a legal defense at holmes hall.
he has such a great legal mind. i told him i was so proud of him, and that my mood shot from zero to 100.
he asked me what happened in my life to make me so sensitive to discrimination and justice issues.
i told him racist police brutality, and the racist lynching of a boy when i was a child in my neighborhood in nashville tennessee. and the racist families who whose kids wouldn't play with my brother and i because we played with danielle and and danjele.
and then i told jerome, almost getting killed a few times.
getting my skull stomped on by a deranged psychotic man. getting stranggled by another deranged one. hit over the head by a carjacker. life is fragile. i should be dead. everything that happens is extra!!!
after you have almost been killed, after you have fought for your life, after you have been abused, everything is different.
there is a different kind of courage, after atrocity.
after torture.
in a sad haze after visiting [1984] and passman and jerome robinson who is working on sheila dharod's appeal and the holmes hall student health,
i sat outside theater class on the second floor of administration. it was wonderful. the teacher is great. i have stopped before to listen outside. he talked about shaw, gorky, ibsen, checkov. lighting and color and set design. magically i was transported to a more innocent time. my brain felt so happy to be around literature again, and creatives, and a genuinely enthusiastic non-hostile manner. next week they move on to theater of the absurd, my favorite, although i am fascinated by the theater of cruelty of antonin artaud.
[1984] eckfordkindly asked me to write it up (the use of the word "bitching" in class). but really this is just too much work.
too bad my friend g. is so condescending about community college. he is pretty classist and negative like that. he doesn't know what its like to be poor and want an education so desperately, you'd put up with unimaginative professors with anger issues.
cristy passman, ombudsman, said well the guys are "getting off on" the foul language, as if that alone justified it. "getting off" is a vulgar expression. i wonder where she learned it. cristy is normally defensive of the abuse, but in a polite way. but yesterday she calmly explained that if the guys are "getting off" it's okay. harassment. and she doesn't consider it harassment. and it was so much worse in the sixties, blahblahblah.
i met today the gracious jane baxter spilios of the LACC speech department. she has a gracious way, uncommon to our modern era. i told her i heard she's great teacher. it was so comforting to speak to her about language. she spent a long time with me. she is so eloquent, and is appalled at the language i have heard in the paralegal and [1984]anthropology departments.
she is from a different time.
Ms. Spilios was shocked to hear a run-down of the assorted tawdry language young LACC women encounter from their young male professors.
she recommended i cantact passman, but i explained that she is no help. she is cover-up oriented.
she collects a check for nothing, and is rude to me, in a very subtle way.
i like it that she is subtle, whereas, the teachers are more overt, out of control.
i had to explain the crude significance of "getting off" to Ms. Spilios who is not familiar with the connotation of this slang. i think she is almost eighty . . .
in her speech classes she has a specific day when they discuss language No-no's. words that will hurt the effect of your speech, impugn your character, perhaps get you fired, or damage your career. I asked her what it was like to be a writer. i told her how much i admired emily dickinson and virginia woolf. she wrote a book Improve Your Spoken English, a book written for the exchange students at LACC in the fifties. She told me about the vietnam era on campus. and fearing for her safety, when hooligan students were stealing and damaging property, prior to the campus security protection. they had a system, where they would bang on the walls, to mobilize students for defense, in case of riot or attack!
the classrooms promised to protect each other.
Photo: Jane Baxter |
when i felt such kindness and graciousness from the counselor at the health department and from Professor Spilios, i realized that LACC has a hidden resource for me. As the tears burn my eyes, i realize, i will return to these kind gracious women, who have incredible strength of character, and wisdom.
they are not like the young women, who are so blind to the internalized misogyny and so brainwashed by TV that they think IDIOCRACY at LACC is okay.
these gracious elder women come from a time when politeness and kindness were valuable traits. they obviously value education immensely. they understood. they didn't try to blame me for feeling bad, the way cristy passman does, blaming it on my past, or my sensitivity, and complaining that i am causing too much paperwork.
i think cristy knows that her job could be in question.
she claimed yesterday, "i am just too low on the totem pole" to implement policy change.
she appreciated my offer to help distribute the harassment policy to the classroom bulletin boards.
i could be her free intern, to help stand up for students who are treated poorly.
i told her about my disability access entusiasm.
she gave me a speech about, we do so much. wonderful.
but i don't think she understood my proposal: guerilla videoblogging of class and archiving for edu resource material databases. blah.
i think the internet copyriot open data revolution isn't hitting my campus. we're in a digital divide. arguing for high-tech strategies for disability rights i think is so important.
i told her about my friend with dyslexia. then she tried to blame my friend for being held back academically. i told her it was complicated. she wasn't being sensitive.
susan matranga (OSS director) was excited at first about my ides, but then was kind of rude to me, because she didn't understand my emails.
it was discouraging.
today, the counselor completely understood how demoralizing this classroom arrogance is. she let me sob. she gave me a hug. she comes from a different generation, closer to that of my grandparents, who were extremely gracious. she said i do not have to listen to the teacher's attempts to smother my voice "you have no case."
i spoke later with a friend of how it might be to be civilized and kind.
i think constantly of the film IDIOCRACY, set in a time in the future dystopia.
when i told my teacher, "the moral of the story is not to listen to women" i was making fun of how he gives preference to the boys in answering questions.
and he looked at me like "what?" i said,
"because i am a *."
i have never said this in my life. i think the bad vibes are rubbing off on me. i think i was making parody of his vulgarity, to show him how absurd he sounds. to show him that if he continually disparages women, christians, bulimics, whoever---so far as he's concerned, i am a * and i am *ing.
but i don't think of it that way at all.
i think of it like this: i care a lot about justice and fairness. my mom said my dad cared about fairness more than anyone she had ever met.
sorry about the typos and the bad language.
sorry about LACC.
on my note, i wrote "LOST CAUSE DEPARTMENT"
remembering beck: totally confused . . . he's only a person, who doesn't know *. . .
Thursday, 20 May 2010
more best of ratemyprofessors
written by students other than myself:
The one thing that you should watch out though is that he is rather rude and offensive. He seems to has this notion that because he's white saying stuff like "no more white people" is okay
He tells students never to put down others culture or religions but he always talks smack about Christians. Although I'm an agnostic its really not cool when he talks smack about others.
Yes, he does come off negative and treat students like they have learning disabilities...
With that said, he can be condescending and rude like someone mentioned, so it's hard for me (personally) to approach him and ask questions. Caution!
First I thought he was a normal person but Please no matter who you are Do Not take this guy
Very sarcastic and rude.
letter to [1984] eckford about babysitting his department
(censored portions semi-restored)
no pressure, but i hope you agree that "tits and ass" has a specific connotation that can be extremely offensive from many angles.
i wrote bartelt of anthropology a note explaining why it causes me such grief and reignites the rape (and near murder) trauma i fight daily.
he should be more considerate and respectful.
i find this word as offensive as the n-word.
it is the female equivalent.
it hurts so much.
the fact that pop culture LA uses it every other word now in every context is no excuse.
my friend * does not like his close minded style and signed her name to the complaint and has expressed her dissatisfaction.
* thinks he is unfair to her and i wrote him to tell him not to put her down when she talks.
* says his style should be more socratic, and less authoritarian.
* says that he sees the women cast their eyes down, when [1984] says negative things about women.
i am not a christian, but i think he should be careful about slurring against christians as well, as they have some big pockets for lawsuits.
after he was totally rude and unfair to * and had said "*ing" twice at the beginning of class, i could not focus on the review because i felt shaky around this crass hostile atmosphere.
i did not answer any questions.
he prefers to get his answers from men.
* said: "but that's so unfair"
harassment impairs the learning atmosphere.
two women i spoke to after class encouraged me to take back the word bitch, a concept i thought i had transcended years ago.
but since the atmosphere is so retrogressive, i guess we have to work our way up the * ladder.
i want you to know that the only reason i kept this class was so my financial aid was not revoked.
i avoid trash-mouthed people, whether in a bar or any walk of life.
it is against my spirituality to expose myself to violent words and insensitive people.
i filed a complaint with cristy do-nothing passman, as well.
i was so dismayed once again.
i spoke to a counselor in health department. she said that his email to me telling me "you have no case" was unfair.
the cumulative stress of all the horrible teachers at LACC may cause me to drop out completely.
check the collegian for the ASO scandal and the harassment of sheila dharod.
i think another lawsuit is brewing.
you would do well to keep your department on high ground.
i am afraid all the violent speech is rubbing off on me.
when i had the correct answer and my team wouldn't listen, i called it out in the end bc no one knew.
he asked why no one listened.
i rudely or sarcastically said 'the moral of the story is never listen to a woman' i was kind of joking, but in the context of his archaic chauvinism it computes
but after his rude email about "*" telling me i have
"no case" and
"am out of line" to question his shouting of the words "* and *"
and skewing the context in which he said "* and *" to be some barnyard utopia in a loud hostile tone when i asked for more respect---
i then really surprised myself by saying
"because i am a *"
which made no sense at all and was so out of character, he looked truly shocked.
i think it shines light on why he has to bully us around.
and if you know me, you will know that i hate this word so much!!!! it hurts me so much!!!
i was shaking through class. i have severe trauma.
i have been beaten multiple times and called this very word by the aggressor.
why can't he be sensitive.
what does this mean?
read up on his
one of them says he treats us like we have learning disabilities. which hopefully he would have compassion for that, you'd think too.
he tells us we don't read, we don't care. he projects negativity on us, which is hurtful to the learning atmosphere.
he said he has no sympathy for bulimia and anorexia and other diseases of affluence last tuesday.
those were his words.
i have lost my appetite and am dropping weight bc of the cruelty and trauma.
i don't appreciate this.
since my first complaint, i could tell he was trying to pull himself together, but i think he needs to take his anger somewhere else.
therapists are paid well for a reason.
we as students shouldn't have to be abused.
we want to learn.
won't you be glad to be rid of me,
mary eng
do you think he is [1984]ing on the job??? i can't imagine why someone would be so loose-lipped in a professional setting
the internet and DIY scanners
i'm so sorry for the victim and i applaud her courage to speak out and press charges. full pdf available on the facebook eventually and the document will be available soon too.
hey, that's andrea bari voting. thanks so much to the collegian for everything.
(PS don't eat pizza!!!! cheese is full of concentrated bioaccumulated pesticide and antibiotic residue that got into the animals system through the water food and drugs they consumed. even human breast milk has so much dioxin (and other junk) it toxifies babies. go vegan if you can!)
hey, that's andrea bari voting. thanks so much to the collegian for everything.
(PS don't eat pizza!!!! cheese is full of concentrated bioaccumulated pesticide and antibiotic residue that got into the animals system through the water food and drugs they consumed. even human breast milk has so much dioxin (and other junk) it toxifies babies. go vegan if you can!)
Wednesday, 19 May 2010
LACC collegian shout-out!
Thanks LACC Collegian for shining a light on the ASO corruption!
tell the internet you are sorry
tell the internet you are sorry, if you have harassed or verbally abused students at LACC.
the internet is sorry about the blogosphere and wishes people would stop doing stupid stuff.
but warning:::::if you continue to harass women and minorities on campus I WILL BLOG ABOUT IT, so your kids can know how creepy you were back in 2010.
and if you are thinking about coming to the school, you will need so much therapy, the cheap tuition isn't so big a discount.
the way i handle stress is writing and art. sometimes spending sprees. it used to be overeating. now its undereating. i think the bad vibes at LACC are actually making me lose weight.
but i know my brain needs food. but ASO harassment, and the paralegal department harassment, and cristy passman's protection of the abuse, make me want to throw up.
kudos to the collegian!!!!!!!!! thanks for quoting me!!!!!!!!! thanks for exposing the ASO alcohol seduction of a minor scandal!!! thanks for writing about the personal attacks against sheila dharod.
unbelievable. ASO president james butler-zetino said by email (may 12 2010) he refused to read a letter in sheila's defense, and that they had her removed: "she was extracted like the cancer she is." i wish his future friends and spouse and employers a word of caution.
regarding the exculpatory letter exonerating sheila he said
"i did get the letter you wrote regarding sheila. lol . . . . "
when the author wrote back asking if it was fair,
james butler-zetino wrote:
"fair? no worries. we did not even read it. she was extracted like the cancer she is"
i want to get my hands on the email exchange.
i can't believe he would right
the collegian debuted their articles regarding the underage student who claims zetino bought her alcohol with school money and verbally harassed her in a sexual way. the student has dropped out of school.
jerome robinison is such a powerful presence and speaker.
his speech gave me the courage to give mine.
i left after that, because i wanted to get it on youtube and get some stuff done, and student government seems like a major time waste, in a addition to being a place to pick up bad manners and a hateful attitude about life. the birds outside my window are far more poetic.
i wonder what other emails would shed light on all these LACC scandals.
youtube annotation:
youtube annotation:
"if sheila were my own sister or my own daughter i would tell her please don't go to a school like this. it's just, it's just, really, really a shame. i hope you all wish better for your children."
that's me talking, mary eng. don't you like my flowing black clothes? it makes it more dramatic. but it is really sad.
i felt like a babysitter giving the motivational speech about world peace and the future.
i think ASO needs the two hour seminar version.
i bet they have been reading "winning through intimidation" instead of "how to win friends and influence people."
i apologize to the victims of their aggression.
but i appreciate everything i have learned from ASO june-may 2010:
1. attack colleagues
2. publicly humiliate yourself to such an excessive degree that people want to film it and put it on youtube in case there is a lawsuit, or someone needs to establish a record of lack of HR skills
3. pettiness
4. aggressiveness
5. mendacity
6. meanness
7. the LACC administration is lazy and unimaginative and will protect you if you harass others because they are cowardly and self-serving
8. cruelty
9. how to turn a small scandal into a big scandal through short-sightedness and amplifying the effect
(getting it all over the blogosphere and school newspaper)
10. harassing and inebriating minors is okay if you gag the witness and impeach her from your government
11. emails are forever
12. youtube is forever!!!
13. harass a woman, blame it on a woman
14. try to harass the press and intimidate them from documenting abuse
the internet is sorry about the blogosphere and wishes people would stop doing stupid stuff.
but warning:::::if you continue to harass women and minorities on campus I WILL BLOG ABOUT IT, so your kids can know how creepy you were back in 2010.
and if you are thinking about coming to the school, you will need so much therapy, the cheap tuition isn't so big a discount.
the way i handle stress is writing and art. sometimes spending sprees. it used to be overeating. now its undereating. i think the bad vibes at LACC are actually making me lose weight.
but i know my brain needs food. but ASO harassment, and the paralegal department harassment, and cristy passman's protection of the abuse, make me want to throw up.
kudos to the collegian!!!!!!!!! thanks for quoting me!!!!!!!!! thanks for exposing the ASO alcohol seduction of a minor scandal!!! thanks for writing about the personal attacks against sheila dharod.
unbelievable. ASO president james butler-zetino said by email (may 12 2010) he refused to read a letter in sheila's defense, and that they had her removed: "she was extracted like the cancer she is." i wish his future friends and spouse and employers a word of caution.
regarding the exculpatory letter exonerating sheila he said
"i did get the letter you wrote regarding sheila. lol . . . . "
when the author wrote back asking if it was fair,
james butler-zetino wrote:
"fair? no worries. we did not even read it. she was extracted like the cancer she is"
i want to get my hands on the email exchange.
i can't believe he would right
the collegian debuted their articles regarding the underage student who claims zetino bought her alcohol with school money and verbally harassed her in a sexual way. the student has dropped out of school.
jerome robinison is such a powerful presence and speaker.
his speech gave me the courage to give mine.
i left after that, because i wanted to get it on youtube and get some stuff done, and student government seems like a major time waste, in a addition to being a place to pick up bad manners and a hateful attitude about life. the birds outside my window are far more poetic.
i wonder what other emails would shed light on all these LACC scandals.
youtube annotation:
jerome robinson reads cruel "extracted like the cancer she is" email penned by LACC ASO president james butler-zetino.
the collegian today published an expose of zetino's alleged harassment of a minor and attempt to get her drunk on school money.
unbelievably, the ASO president, in addition to supporting the defamation campaign of sheila dharod (who exposed the corruption), has no clue about email as e-evidence. do not say anything in an email you don't want to see in court, or that conveys corruption and such animosity and cruelty. amazing that this comes to light.
LACC feels like a greek tragedy.
with so much hatefulness, i feel fear.
thank you jerome for shining a light on this cruelty!
youtube annotation:
"if sheila were my own sister or my own daughter i would tell her please don't go to a school like this. it's just, it's just, really, really a shame. i hope you all wish better for your children."
that's me talking, mary eng. don't you like my flowing black clothes? it makes it more dramatic. but it is really sad.
i felt like a babysitter giving the motivational speech about world peace and the future.
i think ASO needs the two hour seminar version.
i bet they have been reading "winning through intimidation" instead of "how to win friends and influence people."
i apologize to the victims of their aggression.
but i appreciate everything i have learned from ASO june-may 2010:
1. attack colleagues
2. publicly humiliate yourself to such an excessive degree that people want to film it and put it on youtube in case there is a lawsuit, or someone needs to establish a record of lack of HR skills
3. pettiness
4. aggressiveness
5. mendacity
6. meanness
7. the LACC administration is lazy and unimaginative and will protect you if you harass others because they are cowardly and self-serving
8. cruelty
9. how to turn a small scandal into a big scandal through short-sightedness and amplifying the effect
(getting it all over the blogosphere and school newspaper)
10. harassing and inebriating minors is okay if you gag the witness and impeach her from your government
11. emails are forever
12. youtube is forever!!!
13. harass a woman, blame it on a woman
14. try to harass the press and intimidate them from documenting abuse
Tuesday, 18 May 2010
at least LACC doesn't taser us!
duffy is amazing!!!!!
i cherish these classes!!!!
learning all about the civil rts act!!!
[1984] is amazing too---when it comes to the economy and globalization. too bad he shut down broadcasts and doesn't like the blogosphere.
watching a few classes would change the way you shop, vote, bank, eat. now all the highlighting of those egregious moments, have prompted a change. it is a perceptible change. and i bet he will be an even more amazing teacher in 30 years. and that learning to respect women in the classroom could happen at any age, and the sooner the better. it is because he is a great teacher that he is worth the time to fine-tune the kinks. thats what yelp and ratemyprof etc are all about. youtube.
too bad he doesn't like the internet.
check this footage: UCLA security tasering a handcuffed student in 2006
LACC student executed by LAPD for autism or existing or whatever . . .
from LAT:
schoolplaces can be crime scenes.
murder on a campus back east.
all the anger and hate i saw at ASO actually really scares me.
i don't think we here at city college are going to taser and murder each other. cross your fingers.
but this stuff is worth being careful.
when passions run high, it is better not to insult each other. all the slurs and back biting, i think come from personal issues, or economic woes, or deep-seated trauma.
i don't think anyone on campus really hates women, or sheila dharod. i think they are just projecting their negative feelings about their self-esteem or their past bad relationship, onto particular victims, women in general, minorities, or whoever else is the recipient of hate.
i don't think a confident happy person would attack someone so viciously. or go along with it like jay cortez and gene fernandez did at the ASO.
so 1984.
verbal abuse lasts a lifetime.
i for one have a great memory. if you are going to insult me or talk down to me, i will remember it forever.
that's why we should be nice and peaceful to each other. every time i see the ASO people i say "stop the hate" and "peace and kindness" and such things.
i don't feel like i can have a conversation with the people who i witnessed engage in a vicious mob attack against sheila.
i feel a bad energy cloud. a little shaky just thinking about it. it impairs my feeling of safety. mad dogs with blood on their fangs.
i am soooooooooo glad its on youtube.
true they didn't taser sheila and put her in handcuffs. but they staged a mob attack. gosh it hurts me that they would do this to anyone, woman or man, from any background.
i am soooooooo sensitive about racism. i saw police beating a man in tennessee when i was seven. racial profiling and public beatings.
why can't we just love one another?
the days are too long for hatred.
the office of civil rights federal division is about to start their investigation when i get my release back to them.
i wonder if anyone at the American Bar Association cares that all the professors of the paralegal department rolled over and played dead while a paralegal student in our program was harassed, defamed, and humiliated in violation of fed and state law and ASO process.
duffy witnessed it.
he knows the rules that were broken by the ASO.
i wish he could come forward.
i bet he can't jeopardize his salary.
vargas acts like he doesn't know what's going on.
that's smart.
so i sent my letter to the american bar association because i think a paralegal program should have an outstanding level of ethicality when it comes to ensure that all students regardless of gender or background.
and professor harassment doesn't help. nor do professors who role over and play dead when a woman is burned at the stake for exposing administration and student corruption.
viva the internet!!!!!!
i cherish these classes!!!!
learning all about the civil rts act!!!
[1984] is amazing too---when it comes to the economy and globalization. too bad he shut down broadcasts and doesn't like the blogosphere.
watching a few classes would change the way you shop, vote, bank, eat. now all the highlighting of those egregious moments, have prompted a change. it is a perceptible change. and i bet he will be an even more amazing teacher in 30 years. and that learning to respect women in the classroom could happen at any age, and the sooner the better. it is because he is a great teacher that he is worth the time to fine-tune the kinks. thats what yelp and ratemyprof etc are all about. youtube.
too bad he doesn't like the internet.
i thought with him being young he would be hip to the web. well i sort of hoped.
check this footage: UCLA security tasering a handcuffed student in 2006
(send sargeant Pfeiffer a thank you note for not tasering you [if you are from the middle east] on campus!!!!! now you love LACC!!!! can you believe this????? tasering at UCLA!!!!)
LACC student executed by LAPD for autism or existing or whatever . . .
from LAT:
Man shot dead in confrontation with police near Koreatown
March 20, 2010 | 1:26 pm
A Los Angeles police officer shot a man to death early Saturday morning east of Koreatown.
Police said the shooting occurred around midnight but they did not have any further information.
-- Jessica Garrison
Shoot first, ask questions later?
Posted by: Tom | March 20, 2010 at 07:52 PM
schoolplaces can be crime scenes.
murder on a campus back east.
all the anger and hate i saw at ASO actually really scares me.
i don't think we here at city college are going to taser and murder each other. cross your fingers.
but this stuff is worth being careful.
when passions run high, it is better not to insult each other. all the slurs and back biting, i think come from personal issues, or economic woes, or deep-seated trauma.
i don't think anyone on campus really hates women, or sheila dharod. i think they are just projecting their negative feelings about their self-esteem or their past bad relationship, onto particular victims, women in general, minorities, or whoever else is the recipient of hate.
i don't think a confident happy person would attack someone so viciously. or go along with it like jay cortez and gene fernandez did at the ASO.
so 1984.
verbal abuse lasts a lifetime.
i for one have a great memory. if you are going to insult me or talk down to me, i will remember it forever.
that's why we should be nice and peaceful to each other. every time i see the ASO people i say "stop the hate" and "peace and kindness" and such things.
i don't feel like i can have a conversation with the people who i witnessed engage in a vicious mob attack against sheila.
i feel a bad energy cloud. a little shaky just thinking about it. it impairs my feeling of safety. mad dogs with blood on their fangs.
i am soooooooooo glad its on youtube.
true they didn't taser sheila and put her in handcuffs. but they staged a mob attack. gosh it hurts me that they would do this to anyone, woman or man, from any background.
i am soooooooo sensitive about racism. i saw police beating a man in tennessee when i was seven. racial profiling and public beatings.
why can't we just love one another?
the days are too long for hatred.
the office of civil rights federal division is about to start their investigation when i get my release back to them.
i wonder if anyone at the American Bar Association cares that all the professors of the paralegal department rolled over and played dead while a paralegal student in our program was harassed, defamed, and humiliated in violation of fed and state law and ASO process.
duffy witnessed it.
he knows the rules that were broken by the ASO.
i wish he could come forward.
i bet he can't jeopardize his salary.
vargas acts like he doesn't know what's going on.
that's smart.
so i sent my letter to the american bar association because i think a paralegal program should have an outstanding level of ethicality when it comes to ensure that all students regardless of gender or background.
and professor harassment doesn't help. nor do professors who role over and play dead when a woman is burned at the stake for exposing administration and student corruption.
viva the internet!!!!!!
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