an anonymous person has come forward with complaints of similar poor treatment in philosophy department of PSU.
any philosophy which enforces gender prejudice is not so true to the preposterous aspiration: "love of wisdom."
for PSU and LACC, my sexist schools,
feel fortunate to have escaped the american ozone spacetime warp momentarily, for a vacation in a land where women are far more respected.
consequently, i feel so much like a human, that i really care not to engage my energies with many of the barbaric elements of american culture i seek to avoid, including the subservient women who make modern american sexism possible.
i wish i could inspire you more.
in the future all humans will be respected.
in the meantime, your government supports torture, extrajudicial assassination orders, and yes, sexist professors.
for inspiration, i suggest you turn your eyes to the harassment suits of keith fink against dov charney of american apparel, or the work of civil rights attorney gloria allred, the work of icelandic parlimentarian birgitta jonsdottir, amy goodman's persistent advocacy on democracy now, or the brilliant vandana shiva.
brilliant women are everywhere, so are brilliant men. we should start respecting eachother.
and language is where it starts.
when people use words that inflict pain, to strategically humiliate women, who are financially destroyed by unequal pay, and underrepresentation in government, and humiliated by domestic violence and barbaric media----
violence begets violence.
bless you all, and for all women who seek education and employment despite institutionalized systemic discrimination
for the sacrifice you make to your dignity
and for the purveyors of cruelty and injustice, that you might begin to see your error
incitation to disrespect
your vulgarities can create an atmosphere literally life threatening
and as you destroy our self esteem, secret violence unto ourselves can destroy
words of hatred can incite multitudinous violence
for those who suffer anorexia, bulimia, drug addiction, self-harm
i cannot tell you how kind and respectful the men are in sweden, they have a totally different culture---
its wonderful to be treated like a human
when i describe what happened with sexist professors, they gasp and say, that's not right.
of course not.