equality coalition for students by students please contact maryeng1@yahoo.com to share your story of racism, sexism, homophobia, disability discrimination, or general incompetence on LACC campus. this is for statistical research and equality advocacy purposes, and not in any way affiliated with LACC administration or district administration. no way.
do no harm:
idit dobb-weinstein: "teaching is action and thinking at once. What I try to guard against most when I teach is not speaking as if my answer were conclusive, so as to avoid (to the extent possible) any kind of dogmatic appropriation. It is understandable why students might wish to imitate their teachers, but there are different modes of imitation. I try very hard to avoid the mimetic appropriation that is immediate, passive, and occludes thinking. One other reason is that if I made clear what my views were, and my views appeared as if they were final, it would preclude the possibility of first, students challenging me and second, learning from my students. The relation between the student and teacher is, to me, a dynamic relationship . . . Teaching and learning is a movement that occurs between. In other words, we are at once both agent and patient, both teacher and learner. If we are not very careful, we can do a great deal of harm. And that, too, I have learned from my teachers, Maimonides especially.
I believe my task is to provoke students to think and to engage them in genuine dialogue and questioning. To paraphrase a rabbinic saying, 'I have learned from my teachers, and I have learned from my peers, but I have learned most from my students.' And that is a continuous process of learning."
Saturday, 29 May 2010
educational atmosphere: classroom maintenance
this was written for my class to explain why a hostile atmosphere irrevocably alters the learning atmosphere. the complete paper can be found at:
Preface: Tone and Atmosphere
Originally, I hoped to provide a very informative presentation and paper and blog and videoblog, using multimedia strategies to elucidate the subtleties of media conversation about the veil in Islam as it impacts people within Islam, or familiar with Islam, or transplanted to Los Angeles from predominantly Islamic countries. My notes are gathered at a web address http://hijabniqab.blogspot.com/. It became apparent that while the sensitivity of the subject matter posed the obstacle of how to be more sensitive, and non-offensive to my interviewees, meanwhile, in the classroom, I felt a pernicious degradation of respect for the students. At peril of further damaging my own health, I continue to return to class and pursue the course to completion. This paper written for the "ethnography" project fails to express the amount of time I spent in research of the subject matter and the enthusiasm I felt for my original thesis. I postulated that a huge cultural misunderstanding interprets the veil as misogynist, providing a quick way for westerners to evade accountability for their own civic failures to women, and that other perspectives are possible regarding the veil. The veil foundationally provides shelter to they who are traumatized by centuries of war, and offers protection against sun and sand and smog. My thetic point of origination postulated a blindness in the accusational burka-bashing popular in Europe and the USA. As all of my interviewees are subject to some amount of media influence, it is impossible to separate ourselves from this effect, and approach the veil in innocence. Within my blogged notes, their are references to theology, law, and geographical variation in dress and citations to films, blogs, and books which have helped me.
Due to the unfortunate circumstances in the classroom, which exposed a clear hostility towards women, as well as a personal email from the teacher which caused me to feel a vast amount of grief, i was no longer able to conduct research, as I was overcome with profound depression regarding the disrespect I was shown, and which actually elucidates my point, that misogyny here is alive and well. Attempts to accuse islam coincide with war propaganda and the sensational blind scapegoating of an unknown culture. I was also overwhelmed with the feeling that my thesis would be too subtle for my teacher to grasp without prejudice.
Is respectful anthropology possible in a hostile atmosphere, or after being told "you have no case" after asking for respect? How does classroom agression impact the student? How can I convey respect to my subjects, when I am given scant respect in the classroom? How is the classroom a place for the teacher to enact petty tempertantrums? How does this affect the students? Is the word "tits" conducive to a learning atmosphere, or being shouted at "tits and ass" after asking for respect? How can I use this paper to transcend pettiness? Teacher wrote: "With all due respect, you are completely out of line." "You will see that you have no case." "Finally, before you make a mountain out of a mole-hill, perhaps you need to revisit the entomology of the word "tit." It derives from teat, meaning nipple, and can be pronounced as tit or teet. Both men and women have them, as do the cows on the farm on which I grew up." I have never received such an email, especially not in any professional context. Perhaps the presumption was that i do not know how to use a dictionary, or that the dictionary will convey nuance of tone. It is my belief that the learning atmosphere is impaired by violations of the CA educational code 201 (a-c), and the email to me regarding "tit" has impaired my ability to write a paper about respect for women. Prior to this, I had written to teacher for guidance seeking a way to be more respectful. I found this show of disrespect and lack of professionalism, to maim my experience of the class, in addition to the personal anxiety it caused me.
201. (a) All pupils have the right to participate fully in the educational process, free from discrimination and harassment. (b) California's public schools have an affirmative obligation to combat racism, sexism, and other forms of bias, and a responsibility to provide equal educational opportunity. (c) Harassment on school grounds directed at an individual on the basis of personal characteristics or status creates a hostile environment and jeopardizes equal educational opportunity as guaranteed by the California Constitution and the United States Constitution.
rush transcript: bitch and tit in the classroom
the following is my attempt to type the interesting moments from social sciences chair eckford's "mandatory" meeting 5-25-10 in which i was threatened with suspension from anthropology for blogging and writing emails.
the fact that he told lawyer& UCLA and southwestern professor of sexual harassment law and first-amendment rights keith fink, to go "jump in a pool" adds a funny spin to this little shindig. eckford said he would "hang up on your dumb ass."
fink seemed to think that this meeting was a coercive two-on-one gang-up. i was aware they would try to railroad me, but went in the spirit of satyagraha, to fight for women of the future to be free from the hurling of classroom epithets.
fink noted that while eckford uses the first amendment to justify spewing this sexist rant on me, they contradictorily deny any first amendment right i might have to blog it.
the meeting itself was a bit off, in the sense, that it was not at an advanced or progressive level.
i was fully aware that it was my right not to go on such short notice without representation. i went however to humor the people and to let them unfurl their flag.
and i was genuinely touched that my blogging was reaching them and sparking a dialogue.
i was somehow honored that my blogging gained me an hour's venue with these interesting progressives.
i felt it my opportunity to evangelize to them and make the case for an even more radical notion of respect, solidarity, and equality.
when the lecture began, eckford asked if he might make a tape. i said sure. then he launched into an accusational: you did this rant. i immediately asked if i might record. and then the tone became more calm.
the opening lecture was eckford to me. bartelt was allowed to speak some, but was sometimes silenced. then when i spoke, i was often interrupted. bartelt spoke, asking many rhetorical questions which when i tried to answer, he kept talking.
the most interesting parts of this were eckford's assertion that "bitch and tit" are an okay words for the classroom.
the repeated assertion that the teacher is on "solid ground" and i am "inappropriate" i found to be a very visual metaphor and dichotomy.
i tried very hard to be patient and listen to what eckford had to say to me. as for the interpretation that my advocacy involves "threats," i believe there is a misinterpretation of my intent.
my intent is to alert the professors to the actionability and legal vulnerability created by permitting unjustified careless and wanton slurs in the classroom.
i am not myself, threatening to sue, but saying why create a legal vulnerability that might imperil the school budget?
or why expose oneself the the chance of reprimand or embarrassment.
if indeed the words "tit" "bitching" and "asshole" are so embarrassing, why utter them? why corner me and tell me i have to accept them? why say them in a closed meeting between two men and one woman who has already stated that she feels uncomfortable around them?
silencing my journalism, and my journalistic attempt to grapple with the psychological effects, is not getting to the root of the problem.
but eckford really went to bat for those words, saying that while tit might have been unacceptable once, due to the changing nature of language, it is now okay.
neither of them seem to grasp the subtlety of the concept "slur" or "epithet" or "hostile atmosphere," in a legal sense.
as the defense ran: well it wasn't directed at you, they fail to realize that the hostility of the tone can be a generalized atmosphere of inequality. as men's anatomies are not similarly discussed . . . or inasmuch as any man or woman might object to these words, as does my brother, the hostility of tone could affect anyone. the following is predominantly eckford's choice of language. i apologize for not having time to clean it up typo-wise and give a complete transcript. maybe later. this will give you a gist of what happened at our mutually recorded private meeting.
"so the things we find offensive here, may not be offensive anywhere else . . . we just kind of expect that we are all adults . . . it is absolutely necessary for professor bartelt to teach his courses . . .
like for example using the word bitch may not nec be an offensive word in certain areas of the world .
you bring that kind of language to the classroom
you have to train yourself to be able to accept other modes of thinking and other languages and cultural practices of the world
from my perspective, hearing both sides, i don't see them to be all that offensive or all that disagreeable. so that's an issue number one. we have to figure out what we can do about that.
you've then taken your understanding of being offended by this language and you've taken this outside of the classroom, like posting things on websites, sending emails to other faculty members at other campuses and basically what you end up doing is committing libel and slander. it is not acceptable for you to demean professor bartelt's professional practices and his professional teaching in any way. that's just absolutely fundamentally unacceptable."
"and illegal"-bb.
"it is very much illegal and why that is, is because when you send out emails . . .
you are actually causing him professional harm. brian would have every right to sue you and we don't want that to happen. . . . if you did that to me i would sue you and i would make you pay, or i would try to force you to pay, any kind of damage that i think you may have caused to my professional reputation. because that's what at stake here. the only thing that professors have . . . is our reputations as faculty members. so . . .
what you give to the world you can never take back . . .
you're besmirching his professional integrity.
so number one
the . . . has got got stop
you can send emails to anyone you want about anything you want
that's just absolutely unacceptable
how are we going to address this problem.
bb: i am ready to pursue a case unless you cease and desist.
i say: am deprived of this culture that says tits and shitty and asshole, and i don't think i should be blamed for my cultural sensitivity
eckford: the problem with it is is the english language is an ever evolving
us word tit may not be the lingua france
faculty members are not immune to the changes in language
if every person
you wouldn't be able to use the word breast
you as the student have to come to understanding that there is a larger world
you can always say i heard what you said but i found this unacceptable.
tell me why you used this word
but thats something
you needed to do offline.--- eck
"you chose to make it public mary"---bb
bb: "i want to to cut straight to the chase here.
if the the words asshole tit and bitchin are the three words that bother you most, why did you go on assert broad things about me . . . french people anorexics bulimics and
i never said i have no sympt for bulimics
i said i have no sympathy for those that corn syrup . . ."
me, mary: no you said "i have absolutely no sympathy for bulimia and anorexia and other diseases of affluence"
bb: "anyhow whatever"
"the asshole theory, that's a publishable theory
if that so offended you
you went way too far.
i said the word bitchin, i said stop your bitching. none of these comments were directed at you."
eck: now mary do you acknowledge that you may have gone to far
i said: i am interested in it as legal theory. humanitarian oriented. it is geared towards protecting the students of the future from .. . .
what is your definition of a slur or a hostile atmosphere?
bb: did i ever address you with these words. no.
in a classroom answering the is diff
the fac member can use just about anything that is socially prudent to teach his course. using words like t bitch and tit as long as it is not directed
its published
prof is on solid ground
as long as he is not singaling out
unpack this theory of anthropology
whatever language i think is necessary
none of the slur
let her speak brian.
we as progressives should be building an alliance
so long as women are going into the classroom hearing slurs which i allege are harassing . . .
here's the problem.
he's the professor.
(voice gets high-pitched)
the state of california deems him . . .
i'm not an anthropologist. i have no way in heck any business telling him how to run his class. he knows more about anthropology than i do.
consequently you know far less about anthropology than i do-eckford
its not your job to tell him how to run his class
he has complete authority to do that.
what you're saying is you want to come to class and tell him how to teach his course.
we're here faced now with you finding the language unacceptable, and i agree with prof bartelt, that number one you're not in a position to do that and number two: you have got to stop the activity online.
"do you think there is some subconscious desire to bring down women?"
that's obscene.
i never experienced this befeore in my edu since LACC, i never
if you are at UCSD you'd be fired
the asshole theory was presented at USC
that's why i went to ask them is this in the realm of the possible . . .
i wrote just the ones who were gender . . . mostly women . . .
can you see that on the one hand you are alleging bartelt is creating a hostile atmosphere. you are creating the same
that is why it is paramount . . .
as fara s throwing occasional chalk everyone thinks that's funny
you hit the head over the kid with his paper . . .
elizabeth and i looked at each other quizzically
here is what i want you to get from this, the same kind of hostile atmosphere you are creating
if you think you are going to transfer and you are not going to find teachers who are exceptiona
the world is an exceptionally hostile world
i've had
you running around screaming that the campus is a hostile
teh world is not a fair place
its not the way the world is constructed
as an african american
it was going to be a lot tougher for me
the fact that he told lawyer& UCLA and southwestern professor of sexual harassment law and first-amendment rights keith fink, to go "jump in a pool" adds a funny spin to this little shindig. eckford said he would "hang up on your dumb ass."
fink seemed to think that this meeting was a coercive two-on-one gang-up. i was aware they would try to railroad me, but went in the spirit of satyagraha, to fight for women of the future to be free from the hurling of classroom epithets.
fink noted that while eckford uses the first amendment to justify spewing this sexist rant on me, they contradictorily deny any first amendment right i might have to blog it.
the meeting itself was a bit off, in the sense, that it was not at an advanced or progressive level.
i was fully aware that it was my right not to go on such short notice without representation. i went however to humor the people and to let them unfurl their flag.
and i was genuinely touched that my blogging was reaching them and sparking a dialogue.
i was somehow honored that my blogging gained me an hour's venue with these interesting progressives.
i felt it my opportunity to evangelize to them and make the case for an even more radical notion of respect, solidarity, and equality.
when the lecture began, eckford asked if he might make a tape. i said sure. then he launched into an accusational: you did this rant. i immediately asked if i might record. and then the tone became more calm.
the opening lecture was eckford to me. bartelt was allowed to speak some, but was sometimes silenced. then when i spoke, i was often interrupted. bartelt spoke, asking many rhetorical questions which when i tried to answer, he kept talking.
the most interesting parts of this were eckford's assertion that "bitch and tit" are an okay words for the classroom.
the repeated assertion that the teacher is on "solid ground" and i am "inappropriate" i found to be a very visual metaphor and dichotomy.
i tried very hard to be patient and listen to what eckford had to say to me. as for the interpretation that my advocacy involves "threats," i believe there is a misinterpretation of my intent.
my intent is to alert the professors to the actionability and legal vulnerability created by permitting unjustified careless and wanton slurs in the classroom.
i am not myself, threatening to sue, but saying why create a legal vulnerability that might imperil the school budget?
or why expose oneself the the chance of reprimand or embarrassment.
if indeed the words "tit" "bitching" and "asshole" are so embarrassing, why utter them? why corner me and tell me i have to accept them? why say them in a closed meeting between two men and one woman who has already stated that she feels uncomfortable around them?
silencing my journalism, and my journalistic attempt to grapple with the psychological effects, is not getting to the root of the problem.
but eckford really went to bat for those words, saying that while tit might have been unacceptable once, due to the changing nature of language, it is now okay.
neither of them seem to grasp the subtlety of the concept "slur" or "epithet" or "hostile atmosphere," in a legal sense.
as the defense ran: well it wasn't directed at you, they fail to realize that the hostility of the tone can be a generalized atmosphere of inequality. as men's anatomies are not similarly discussed . . . or inasmuch as any man or woman might object to these words, as does my brother, the hostility of tone could affect anyone. the following is predominantly eckford's choice of language. i apologize for not having time to clean it up typo-wise and give a complete transcript. maybe later. this will give you a gist of what happened at our mutually recorded private meeting.
"so the things we find offensive here, may not be offensive anywhere else . . . we just kind of expect that we are all adults . . . it is absolutely necessary for professor bartelt to teach his courses . . .
like for example using the word bitch may not nec be an offensive word in certain areas of the world .
you bring that kind of language to the classroom
you have to train yourself to be able to accept other modes of thinking and other languages and cultural practices of the world
from my perspective, hearing both sides, i don't see them to be all that offensive or all that disagreeable. so that's an issue number one. we have to figure out what we can do about that.
you've then taken your understanding of being offended by this language and you've taken this outside of the classroom, like posting things on websites, sending emails to other faculty members at other campuses and basically what you end up doing is committing libel and slander. it is not acceptable for you to demean professor bartelt's professional practices and his professional teaching in any way. that's just absolutely fundamentally unacceptable."
"and illegal"-bb.
"it is very much illegal and why that is, is because when you send out emails . . .
you are actually causing him professional harm. brian would have every right to sue you and we don't want that to happen. . . . if you did that to me i would sue you and i would make you pay, or i would try to force you to pay, any kind of damage that i think you may have caused to my professional reputation. because that's what at stake here. the only thing that professors have . . . is our reputations as faculty members. so . . .
what you give to the world you can never take back . . .
you're besmirching his professional integrity.
so number one
the . . . has got got stop
you can send emails to anyone you want about anything you want
that's just absolutely unacceptable
how are we going to address this problem.
bb: i am ready to pursue a case unless you cease and desist.
i say: am deprived of this culture that says tits and shitty and asshole, and i don't think i should be blamed for my cultural sensitivity
eckford: the problem with it is is the english language is an ever evolving
us word tit may not be the lingua france
faculty members are not immune to the changes in language
if every person
you wouldn't be able to use the word breast
you as the student have to come to understanding that there is a larger world
you can always say i heard what you said but i found this unacceptable.
tell me why you used this word
but thats something
you needed to do offline.--- eck
"you chose to make it public mary"---bb
bb: "i want to to cut straight to the chase here.
if the the words asshole tit and bitchin are the three words that bother you most, why did you go on assert broad things about me . . . french people anorexics bulimics and
i never said i have no sympt for bulimics
i said i have no sympathy for those that corn syrup . . ."
me, mary: no you said "i have absolutely no sympathy for bulimia and anorexia and other diseases of affluence"
bb: "anyhow whatever"
"the asshole theory, that's a publishable theory
if that so offended you
you went way too far.
i said the word bitchin, i said stop your bitching. none of these comments were directed at you."
eck: now mary do you acknowledge that you may have gone to far
i said: i am interested in it as legal theory. humanitarian oriented. it is geared towards protecting the students of the future from .. . .
what is your definition of a slur or a hostile atmosphere?
bb: did i ever address you with these words. no.
in a classroom answering the is diff
the fac member can use just about anything that is socially prudent to teach his course. using words like t bitch and tit as long as it is not directed
its published
prof is on solid ground
as long as he is not singaling out
unpack this theory of anthropology
whatever language i think is necessary
none of the slur
let her speak brian.
we as progressives should be building an alliance
so long as women are going into the classroom hearing slurs which i allege are harassing . . .
here's the problem.
he's the professor.
(voice gets high-pitched)
the state of california deems him . . .
i'm not an anthropologist. i have no way in heck any business telling him how to run his class. he knows more about anthropology than i do.
consequently you know far less about anthropology than i do-eckford
its not your job to tell him how to run his class
he has complete authority to do that.
what you're saying is you want to come to class and tell him how to teach his course.
we're here faced now with you finding the language unacceptable, and i agree with prof bartelt, that number one you're not in a position to do that and number two: you have got to stop the activity online.
"do you think there is some subconscious desire to bring down women?"
that's obscene.
i never experienced this befeore in my edu since LACC, i never
if you are at UCSD you'd be fired
the asshole theory was presented at USC
that's why i went to ask them is this in the realm of the possible . . .
i wrote just the ones who were gender . . . mostly women . . .
can you see that on the one hand you are alleging bartelt is creating a hostile atmosphere. you are creating the same
that is why it is paramount . . .
as fara s throwing occasional chalk everyone thinks that's funny
you hit the head over the kid with his paper . . .
elizabeth and i looked at each other quizzically
here is what i want you to get from this, the same kind of hostile atmosphere you are creating
if you think you are going to transfer and you are not going to find teachers who are exceptiona
the world is an exceptionally hostile world
i've had
you running around screaming that the campus is a hostile
teh world is not a fair place
its not the way the world is constructed
as an african american
it was going to be a lot tougher for me
Thursday, 27 May 2010
Legal Association asks me to leave their potluck
darwin approached me and told me to leave after i wrote on the blackboard:
"what is the legal association's official position on the privacy breach and harassment of sheila dharod by ASO in the alcohol/minor/harassment scandal?"
as i wrote it darwin asked what are you doing?
i went to wash the red chalk off my hands. when i returned i saw darwin whisper to vargas as he began to erase it. i came in and sat down. darwin motioned that i come to him. i did not. i let him come to me. he told me that i would have to leave the meeting for being negative. he repeated himself, that he would ask me to leave if i spoke about the matter. he asked me to leave and then told me to leave. i said equality is not a negative concept, and the legal association could have a proactive stance against harassment or administration cover-ups.
i just patiently repeated myself. but it is hard to talk over people. darwin told me to be quiet.
i did not raise my voice.
he then began to pose for facebook pictures
i asked vargas. he uncomfortably smiled saying, it's not appropriate. vargas pretends to be so neutral, but his allegiances become so painfully clear sometimes.
disdain is perceptible in the spiritual realm.
now i hate to say what i feel about legal society, but i could mildly say that they have no courage, and that several members are extremely dominating and condescending. they also have an affinity for silencing women and keeping the pace at a dull level.
when sheila was around, they tried to silence her.
intelligent women, and real ideas, bother them.
but that's why sheila and i belong at the lawyers guild next tuesday, with actual lawyers, who talk about important things, and who have passion for civil rights.
they aren't afraid of brilliant women over there. in fact their are so many well spoken lawyers from every possible culture, its overwhelmingly wonderful.
betty hung, for example, who called taxis "sweatshops on wheels" or lisa jaskol, who highlighted hugo chavez's incarceration of a judge for a difference of opinion on prison release.
in censorship news,
it was drawn to my attention that LACCD counsel needs to now contact keith fink with cease and desist letters, as it should be known to the administration that i have representation. contacting me, with knowledge of this, presuming eckford told eric kim about the little phone call, was a violation of the professional code of conduct.
but eckford probably wants to keep his rudeness to a dull roar. i bet even bartelt would be shocked. would bartelt tell keith fink to go jump in a pool and that he would hang up on his dumb ass? i doubt it. but then again they did corner me for a faux-mandatory suspension-threat/censorship meeting, in which both said they would sue me. like i care. take every penny i don't have.
sue rich people, dah!
and censoring my blog is simply non buena.
in anthropology news, bartelt was perceptibly gruff with the PUNK emissary who described a very simple clear punk message. bartelt condescendingly said, "well i'm not saying i doubt your authority, but i am." bartelt said it is a "sad state of affairs."
which if anyone said this about anyone's culture, and presentation, it just might be considered inconsiderate at least. if the same presentation were about marijuana, like the one on tuesday, he'd be Rahrah! which he was. substitute alcohol and punk rock music, and then . . .
well a nice russian woman was describing the economics of altruism, and it seemed like he tried to pick a fight with her about her feelings about capitalism. she left in frustration, saying, "it's complex, it's complicated." i felt like saying, give her a break, it's her perspective not yours.
i was strategically excluded from presenting and getting the extra credit, even though i was supposed to present tuesday for ten minutes. eric hamilton kindly gave me 20 seconds to present. it was more like seven seconds. which inasmuch islamic culture is marginalized, it illustrated many of my points, in a performance art kind of way. i looked forward to presenting all semester and worked so hard!!!! but it is important to punish the bloggers for their blog-crimes!!!!!
not to get astrological here, but it might be a star thing. eric told me aries rules the scene. i see now. eric also told me his brother says i'm ugly. so in addition to having the marginalized culture remarginalized, and the (semi-censored) non-PHD blogger silence . . . well . . . eric says his brother says all his friends are ugly . . . so . . .
my point about . . .
http://hijabniqab.blogspot.com/ . . .
eric and i discussed how my idea bout a class blog was dismissed like the internet is satan, and that we are all so stupid we shouldn't ever publish a thing. teacher said he would burn our papers in a bonfire in venice and that we should not blog them. but i wondered, what if we had valable information for humanity? what if we could offer education, enlightenment . . . in defense of the blogosphere. sad thing is that it might go to our non-PHD community college heads . . .
in ASO news, i got the run around from earic peters on the ASO harassment alcohol/sexual harassment of a minor scandal. i asked him why the administration protects the abusers. i don't think he realizes i blog. i asked him why the administration didn't have the courage to protect the victim, and protect the victim's defender, sheila dharod, from the ASO's vicious attack.
it seems like they support the attackers.
when i tried to talk equality in education with peters, he almost painted himself into the CA Edu code does not apply to the Associated Students Union corner, but then i reminded him that this is tax-funded property and a tax-funded school, so that and harassment that occurs regarding students should be administration's concern.
boy, oh boy.
then jamillah moore called.
IP law club made outstanding progress demanding a more enriched IP perspective, with a formal request for an enhanced program. It functioned as a clear indictment of the irrelevant travesty known as "media law" which might be termed "last night's late night TV with richard lewis, regarbled with the FOX twist."
we rather enjoyed the study question, should the LACCD counsel use IP pretense to censor bad press?
"what is the legal association's official position on the privacy breach and harassment of sheila dharod by ASO in the alcohol/minor/harassment scandal?"
as i wrote it darwin asked what are you doing?
i went to wash the red chalk off my hands. when i returned i saw darwin whisper to vargas as he began to erase it. i came in and sat down. darwin motioned that i come to him. i did not. i let him come to me. he told me that i would have to leave the meeting for being negative. he repeated himself, that he would ask me to leave if i spoke about the matter. he asked me to leave and then told me to leave. i said equality is not a negative concept, and the legal association could have a proactive stance against harassment or administration cover-ups.
i just patiently repeated myself. but it is hard to talk over people. darwin told me to be quiet.
i did not raise my voice.
he then began to pose for facebook pictures
i asked vargas. he uncomfortably smiled saying, it's not appropriate. vargas pretends to be so neutral, but his allegiances become so painfully clear sometimes.
disdain is perceptible in the spiritual realm.
now i hate to say what i feel about legal society, but i could mildly say that they have no courage, and that several members are extremely dominating and condescending. they also have an affinity for silencing women and keeping the pace at a dull level.
when sheila was around, they tried to silence her.
intelligent women, and real ideas, bother them.
but that's why sheila and i belong at the lawyers guild next tuesday, with actual lawyers, who talk about important things, and who have passion for civil rights.
they aren't afraid of brilliant women over there. in fact their are so many well spoken lawyers from every possible culture, its overwhelmingly wonderful.
betty hung, for example, who called taxis "sweatshops on wheels" or lisa jaskol, who highlighted hugo chavez's incarceration of a judge for a difference of opinion on prison release.
in censorship news,
it was drawn to my attention that LACCD counsel needs to now contact keith fink with cease and desist letters, as it should be known to the administration that i have representation. contacting me, with knowledge of this, presuming eckford told eric kim about the little phone call, was a violation of the professional code of conduct.
but eckford probably wants to keep his rudeness to a dull roar. i bet even bartelt would be shocked. would bartelt tell keith fink to go jump in a pool and that he would hang up on his dumb ass? i doubt it. but then again they did corner me for a faux-mandatory suspension-threat/censorship meeting, in which both said they would sue me. like i care. take every penny i don't have.
sue rich people, dah!
and censoring my blog is simply non buena.
in anthropology news, bartelt was perceptibly gruff with the PUNK emissary who described a very simple clear punk message. bartelt condescendingly said, "well i'm not saying i doubt your authority, but i am." bartelt said it is a "sad state of affairs."
which if anyone said this about anyone's culture, and presentation, it just might be considered inconsiderate at least. if the same presentation were about marijuana, like the one on tuesday, he'd be Rahrah! which he was. substitute alcohol and punk rock music, and then . . .
well a nice russian woman was describing the economics of altruism, and it seemed like he tried to pick a fight with her about her feelings about capitalism. she left in frustration, saying, "it's complex, it's complicated." i felt like saying, give her a break, it's her perspective not yours.
i was strategically excluded from presenting and getting the extra credit, even though i was supposed to present tuesday for ten minutes. eric hamilton kindly gave me 20 seconds to present. it was more like seven seconds. which inasmuch islamic culture is marginalized, it illustrated many of my points, in a performance art kind of way. i looked forward to presenting all semester and worked so hard!!!! but it is important to punish the bloggers for their blog-crimes!!!!!
not to get astrological here, but it might be a star thing. eric told me aries rules the scene. i see now. eric also told me his brother says i'm ugly. so in addition to having the marginalized culture remarginalized, and the (semi-censored) non-PHD blogger silence . . . well . . . eric says his brother says all his friends are ugly . . . so . . .
my point about . . .
http://hijabniqab.blogspot.com/ . . .
eric and i discussed how my idea bout a class blog was dismissed like the internet is satan, and that we are all so stupid we shouldn't ever publish a thing. teacher said he would burn our papers in a bonfire in venice and that we should not blog them. but i wondered, what if we had valable information for humanity? what if we could offer education, enlightenment . . . in defense of the blogosphere. sad thing is that it might go to our non-PHD community college heads . . .
in ASO news, i got the run around from earic peters on the ASO harassment alcohol/sexual harassment of a minor scandal. i asked him why the administration protects the abusers. i don't think he realizes i blog. i asked him why the administration didn't have the courage to protect the victim, and protect the victim's defender, sheila dharod, from the ASO's vicious attack.
it seems like they support the attackers.
when i tried to talk equality in education with peters, he almost painted himself into the CA Edu code does not apply to the Associated Students Union corner, but then i reminded him that this is tax-funded property and a tax-funded school, so that and harassment that occurs regarding students should be administration's concern.
boy, oh boy.
then jamillah moore called.
IP law club made outstanding progress demanding a more enriched IP perspective, with a formal request for an enhanced program. It functioned as a clear indictment of the irrelevant travesty known as "media law" which might be termed "last night's late night TV with richard lewis, regarbled with the FOX twist."
we rather enjoyed the study question, should the LACCD counsel use IP pretense to censor bad press?
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
LACC protects abuse by attempting to selectively repress the blogosphere
is LACC's district counsel trying to suppress my coverage of the underage harassment scandal? sheila dharod has helped the victim file charges against the ASO government official who allegedly harassed her and fed her alcohol on the ASO trip to sacramento.
the victim dropped out of school.
harassment messes up your life and your peace of mind. it messes up your sense of safety.
why do plenty of other campus orgs get to have facebooks get to play free speech but now my IP viability is being shut down.
what is this, the great firewall of LACC?
just because i know how to manipulate google indexing through repetition and key words my blog floats to the top for many google searches. say search "harassment" and "LACC."
why doesn't eric kim write google and tell them he thinks blogger is a bad idea and we shouldn't let non-PHD's have ideas in public.
and maybe he should tell jack dorsey that twitter should go down. or like any other company, he could just buy me. buy: http://twitter.com/LACCharass or tell that wild and crazy guy zuckerberg that Facebook is making LACC look bad. so please can we just TURN OFF THE INTERNET????????
and what about my youtube channel. shouldn't he get all mad that youtube exists? and bambuser?
i really just think i and sheila dharod should be publicly executed or tarred and feathered on LACC's quad to punish us for fighting this school's laziness and corruption.
we are fighting for women to be free from harassment and as women, to exist, and to have a voice of some kind. i want to help everybody. as we are relegated to the blogosphere in some ways while our predominantly male professors have paid jobs protecting/issuing harassment/epithets . . . well
good thing they have eric kim to try to convince me about intellectual property notions . . .
this is how i feel about IP: all wrongs reserved! copyleft!
domain name law is so new and so wild, i am not so silly.
i think eric needs to write google, but i am not a lawyer, despite being obsessed with cyberlaw. tell them, wawa.
there's nothing like a good gag order!
i just would like to request a comprehensive and thorough gag order.
so, dear LACC gen couns. please give me the works!!! ask me to gut my youtube!
this is what needs to get covered up:
one that covers all my youtube videos mentioning the name LACC, my twitter my fafafafafaffacebook (yes i really i really don't like facebook, i'm just trying to more adequately kiss up to accel, in-q-tel, and narus insight . . . and get surveilled/crunched/commodified)
what about this website that grabbed my copyleft youtube of the creepy extraction of sheila dharod.
they are making ad-rev off LACC harassment. at least they are turning it into something positive:$
total human liberation
free your mind from hatred
be free
free from violent speech
free humanity
now i don't necessarily endorse the personal way
now i don't necessarily endorse the personal way this is said. but what i like is that fink notices the double standard of free speech for sexism, but zero speech for women.
i might say it differently.
he wrote me this afternoon:
"This guy is a hypocrite and a coward. Let's see he can hide behind the First Amendment so can spew his sexist speech but you don't have the same First Amendment right to speak about what you find objectionable about his speech. He is a real tough guy when he corners a student and threatens her with the pain of suspension from exercising her rights but when the student retains a lawyer and challenges his legal right to censor the students speech he gets riles up, spews nonsense (jump in a pool) and then clams up."
make a foundation to support students and make a progressive campus.
i might say it differently.
he wrote me this afternoon:
"This guy is a hypocrite and a coward. Let's see he can hide behind the First Amendment so can spew his sexist speech but you don't have the same First Amendment right to speak about what you find objectionable about his speech. He is a real tough guy when he corners a student and threatens her with the pain of suspension from exercising her rights but when the student retains a lawyer and challenges his legal right to censor the students speech he gets riles up, spews nonsense (jump in a pool) and then clams up."
listen to the mp4 of the coercive "mandatory" meeting with threatened suspension. sorry about my long introduction.
the main highlights:
main points:
1. you are inappropriate
2. you do not have a PHD
3. you have to stop activity online and writing
they said some funny things---like---all a teacher has is their reputation, so if it is damaged ....
they are so funny because on the one hand they defend the use of the language---but if i report it they are totally humiliated and embarrassed
i really want fink to represent sheila dharod v. LACC ASO.
they need to start shaking in their boots for what they've done.
we could call it the karma defense fund.
and fundraise to support students speech rights and protection from discrimination.
make a foundation to support students and make a progressive campus.
concerned anonymous student supports . . .
anonymous republished comment:
Anonymous said...

I am a concerned LACC student who happened to come across your blog.
I'm glad you are doing something about this department. In March I asked Eckford for applications for the Social Science department scholarships. He told me and other students that there would be no scholarships this year due to funding issues.
Oh, turns out, there were scholarships awarded. Perhaps he only gave applications to people he personally knows?
He also hasn't given out any information about the Social Science honors society, which gives out awards/inducts students every May. It's almost June and the LACC social science department website hasn't been updated to reflect anything about this. What the hell is going on here....?
I hope this whole department goes down.
I'm glad you are doing something about this department. In March I asked Eckford for applications for the Social Science department scholarships. He told me and other students that there would be no scholarships this year due to funding issues.
Oh, turns out, there were scholarships awarded. Perhaps he only gave applications to people he personally knows?
He also hasn't given out any information about the Social Science honors society, which gives out awards/inducts students every May. It's almost June and the LACC social science department website hasn't been updated to reflect anything about this. What the hell is going on here....?
I hope this whole department goes down.
26 May 2010 13:02
philosophy at LACC
i love philosophy, and wish i had time to take some of his classes!!!! i don't know his name, but maybe i'll find out.
Tuesday, 25 May 2010
jump in a pool of water: teacher to lawyer advice
can you imagine a head of an academic department telling a lawyer representing a student
to "jump in a pool of water." i think that is a polite way to say, go drown yourself, or go for a swim.
then if the head of the department said he would "hang up on your dumb ass," wow . . . well it happened.
i was hoping fink could help sort out whether or not i was in a coercive little meeting today designed to intimidate me out of my "free speech" "rights" with a threat of suspension from class.
fink mentioned i should check out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catharine_MacKinnon
fink was so nice and complimentary and said i was so bright and had a great vocab. i really needed some support bc i have been so down lately.
so as i attempted to conform to the censorship order earlier i began to copy/paste [1984] in place of names and * in place of foul words i hear at school.
and so i am interested at the typography. it looks cool and surrealist and futuristic and firewallish.
fink said why not let them suspend me and then see what's next. or delete it, or censor.
i don't think we're sure what's going on here.
why do the teachers get unlimited speech, and i get none, none in school and none on the blogosphere.
as to accusation of libel or defamation, sadly truth is a defense to libel.
and as i am not a liar, and i use the subjectivity of my personal journalistic first person, i believe no libel has occurred.
interestingly, teacher was willing to lie on the anorexia bulimia no sympathy statement, and change it to corn syrup. interesting.
so i can't decide what to do, but feel that a censored blog is better than no blog and no grade and a suspension.
yet i resist the muffling of speech.
so how about i tell you guys, that eckford defends the use of "bitching" and "tits and ass" and "asshole" and "shitty" in class and told the lawyer calling on my behalf to "jump in a pool" and that he would "hang up on your dumb ass."
i think the suspension threat might be an idle one.
eckford said if it were he profiled in my blog, he would sue me for professional damage to his career incurred. even though the words did occur in class.
when the dumb ass mis-statement occurred
i think fink got what i was saying, that there is a serious lack of professionalism at LACC.
gloria allred's office told me to call the ACLU.
i got wind of that teacher was consulting attorneys and he said he would sue me and that my blog was "illegal."
once again, i'd like to offer the apology, sorry about the internet.
so if you see 1984, 1984=censored to protect the identity of the professor and department, and *=censored & so trashy that even if they said it it looks more aesthetically appealing as an asterix.
i really want women to be respected in the future. fink was so cool to me today. i got a one-on-one tutorial with an amazing sexual harassment educator. he's not easy either. he sees grey zones, and free speech issues at play.
so this blog is more like a bizarre art project. for equality.
i think i want to write lawrence lessig and jonathan zittrain and cool internet lawyers who get what's up here on the blogosphere: POWER.
and plus they are super-smart and articulate and lawyers and techies.
and as for the accusation of a good old "cyberstalk" concept, i'd like to remind the teachers and administration that the emotional distress experienced in result of the epithets and classes could just might cause me to off myself.
so in that case, like the UCLA suicide case wayback, would the administrators be liable for missing the warning signs? protecting a hostile atmosphere? just wondering.
so: unequal treatment of women causes stress, anxiety, depression, depression, drop-outs, and class absence, if not directly, then indirectly coping mechanisms like chemical substance abuse, anorexia, bulimia and the like.
so yeah.
eckford said if we took away bitch and tits and ass and asshole there would be only three words left with which to teach . . . dig it?
~if "bitching" and "asshole" and "tits and ass" were forbidden, that there would only be three words left, (in the english language, i wonder?????) so that brings their vocab options up to at least 10 words plus or minus some conjunctions.~
and so fink totally is not into holocaust denial. he sees the hate speech significance and so do i boy let me tell you! i'm obsessed.
but so why is the denial of the holocaust of domestic violence, rape, pay inequity, war rape, work harassment, school harassment, church-supported discrimination okay?
i mean when you say "bitch" is it really divorced from the legacy of cruelty to women?
i told eckford i saw a direct linguistic lineage linking this to the civic denials of suffrage and education and property rights to women.
so . . . more later sorry for the typos,
i heart
[1984] forever
maybe i will recensor this and censor it better later
plus oh yeah what about the indexability of the people who plagarized my blog in indonesia and sent it through online translators and added internet adverts.
i can't delete their plagiarism. so if it gets indexed, that's just the nature of the internet.
that's why my marketing advice is to flood the internet with good press, or the bad press will be the only press to float to the top.
spamdex yourself!!!!! dah!
and what i still don't get is that, if the facts of what have happened in the class are so perfectly legal and okay, why am i being asked to participate in the cover-up?
what's there to hide if everything was a-okay?
if it is that embarrassing, why say it to begin with? its the internet age. if the 1984 department is such a crusader for free speech rights and academic freedom why do they want to censor my factual anecdotes about the words used in the class.
plus: fink scoped me out for being a james joyce reader. isn't that nice. some of us love chaos. i told him i try not to read james joyce anymore. law and wikipedia are just so entertaining.
next step: start blogging in other languages.
maybe swedish???? oh that would be sooo hard . . .
to "jump in a pool of water." i think that is a polite way to say, go drown yourself, or go for a swim.
then if the head of the department said he would "hang up on your dumb ass," wow . . . well it happened.
i was hoping fink could help sort out whether or not i was in a coercive little meeting today designed to intimidate me out of my "free speech" "rights" with a threat of suspension from class.
fink mentioned i should check out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catharine_MacKinnon
fink was so nice and complimentary and said i was so bright and had a great vocab. i really needed some support bc i have been so down lately.
so as i attempted to conform to the censorship order earlier i began to copy/paste [1984] in place of names and * in place of foul words i hear at school.
and so i am interested at the typography. it looks cool and surrealist and futuristic and firewallish.
fink said why not let them suspend me and then see what's next. or delete it, or censor.
i don't think we're sure what's going on here.
why do the teachers get unlimited speech, and i get none, none in school and none on the blogosphere.
as to accusation of libel or defamation, sadly truth is a defense to libel.
and as i am not a liar, and i use the subjectivity of my personal journalistic first person, i believe no libel has occurred.
interestingly, teacher was willing to lie on the anorexia bulimia no sympathy statement, and change it to corn syrup. interesting.
so i can't decide what to do, but feel that a censored blog is better than no blog and no grade and a suspension.
yet i resist the muffling of speech.
so how about i tell you guys, that eckford defends the use of "bitching" and "tits and ass" and "asshole" and "shitty" in class and told the lawyer calling on my behalf to "jump in a pool" and that he would "hang up on your dumb ass."
i think the suspension threat might be an idle one.
eckford said if it were he profiled in my blog, he would sue me for professional damage to his career incurred. even though the words did occur in class.
when the dumb ass mis-statement occurred
i think fink got what i was saying, that there is a serious lack of professionalism at LACC.
gloria allred's office told me to call the ACLU.
i got wind of that teacher was consulting attorneys and he said he would sue me and that my blog was "illegal."
once again, i'd like to offer the apology, sorry about the internet.
so if you see 1984, 1984=censored to protect the identity of the professor and department, and *=censored & so trashy that even if they said it it looks more aesthetically appealing as an asterix.
i really want women to be respected in the future. fink was so cool to me today. i got a one-on-one tutorial with an amazing sexual harassment educator. he's not easy either. he sees grey zones, and free speech issues at play.
so this blog is more like a bizarre art project. for equality.
i think i want to write lawrence lessig and jonathan zittrain and cool internet lawyers who get what's up here on the blogosphere: POWER.
and plus they are super-smart and articulate and lawyers and techies.
and as for the accusation of a good old "cyberstalk" concept, i'd like to remind the teachers and administration that the emotional distress experienced in result of the epithets and classes could just might cause me to off myself.
so in that case, like the UCLA suicide case wayback, would the administrators be liable for missing the warning signs? protecting a hostile atmosphere? just wondering.
so: unequal treatment of women causes stress, anxiety, depression, depression, drop-outs, and class absence, if not directly, then indirectly coping mechanisms like chemical substance abuse, anorexia, bulimia and the like.
so yeah.
eckford said if we took away bitch and tits and ass and asshole there would be only three words left with which to teach . . . dig it?
~if "bitching" and "asshole" and "tits and ass" were forbidden, that there would only be three words left, (in the english language, i wonder?????) so that brings their vocab options up to at least 10 words plus or minus some conjunctions.~
and so fink totally is not into holocaust denial. he sees the hate speech significance and so do i boy let me tell you! i'm obsessed.
but so why is the denial of the holocaust of domestic violence, rape, pay inequity, war rape, work harassment, school harassment, church-supported discrimination okay?
i mean when you say "bitch" is it really divorced from the legacy of cruelty to women?
i told eckford i saw a direct linguistic lineage linking this to the civic denials of suffrage and education and property rights to women.
so . . . more later sorry for the typos,
i heart
[1984] forever
maybe i will recensor this and censor it better later
plus oh yeah what about the indexability of the people who plagarized my blog in indonesia and sent it through online translators and added internet adverts.
i can't delete their plagiarism. so if it gets indexed, that's just the nature of the internet.
that's why my marketing advice is to flood the internet with good press, or the bad press will be the only press to float to the top.
spamdex yourself!!!!! dah!
and what i still don't get is that, if the facts of what have happened in the class are so perfectly legal and okay, why am i being asked to participate in the cover-up?
what's there to hide if everything was a-okay?
if it is that embarrassing, why say it to begin with? its the internet age. if the 1984 department is such a crusader for free speech rights and academic freedom why do they want to censor my factual anecdotes about the words used in the class.
plus: fink scoped me out for being a james joyce reader. isn't that nice. some of us love chaos. i told him i try not to read james joyce anymore. law and wikipedia are just so entertaining.
next step: start blogging in other languages.
maybe swedish???? oh that would be sooo hard . . .
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