do no harm:

idit dobb-weinstein: "teaching is action and thinking at once. What I try to guard against most when I teach is not speaking as if my answer were conclusive, so as to avoid (to the extent possible) any kind of dogmatic appropriation. It is understandable why students might wish to imitate their teachers, but there are different modes of imitation. I try very hard to avoid the mimetic appropriation that is immediate, passive, and occludes thinking. One other reason is that if I made clear what my views were, and my views appeared as if they were final, it would preclude the possibility of first, students challenging me and second, learning from my students. The relation between the student and teacher is, to me, a dynamic relationship . . . Teaching and learning is a movement that occurs between. In other words, we are at once both agent and patient, both teacher and learner. If we are not very careful, we can do a great deal of harm. And that, too, I have learned from my teachers, Maimonides especially.

I believe my task is to provoke students to think and to engage them in genuine dialogue and questioning. To paraphrase a rabbinic saying, 'I have learned from my teachers, and I have learned from my peers, but I have learned most from my students.' And that is a continuous process of learning."

Friday, 16 April 2010

this was written last night to the t&a teacher

this is way funny!!!  i still love class but not if it has to be so
vulgar and antiquated

does anybody else call you on this?

or is everyone else numb complacent or afraid

i think language is barbaric in general but much more so when used to colonize and dominate women and ridicule and objectify them

even unknowingly.

a little self critique would do us all well

i don't come to school for pop culture regurg.
i am actually trying to avoid it.

and the fascistic tone that will accept no questions, or impressions .. . warum?

if a word makes me feel uncomfortable, why couldn't another be found?
what's so hard about about that.
isn't that what cultural sensitivity is supposed to be about?

oh and and this is so funny.
district counsel told me to take down my little blog.
i love that.

within this

it was just repartee of a sorts anyway, and there i think its you that dont get my sense of humor, the funniest part

congrats on the visual anth idea
and loved to yr loved ones

be careful

from alliance defense fund

ABOUT Lopez v. Candaele
Several weeks after the presidential election in November 2008, a Los Angeles City College professor, John Matteson, censored and threatened to expel student Jonathan Lopez following a speech he gave about his Christian faith during an open-ended assignment in a public speaking class. After Lopez gave the dictionary definition of marriage and recited two Bible verses, Matteson interrupted and ended Lopez’s presentation mid-speech, calling him and anyone who voted yes on Proposition 8—the California marriage amendment—a “fascist bastard” in front of the class. Refusing to grade the assigned speech, the professor wrote on Lopez’s speech evaluation form, “Ask God what your grade is,” and later threatened to expel the student. On behalf of Lopez, attorneys with the Alliance Defense Fund filed a lawsuit against the LACC District, contending that its speech code under its “sexual harassment” policy is unconstitutional and empowered the very kind of censorship Lopez suffered. One section of the problematic code states that if students think that they are doing or saying anything that might be “perceived as offensive, pervasive, or unwelcome,” they must stop such unlawful behavior.
CURRENT STATUS OF Lopez v. Candaele AS OF 3/2/10
ADF attorneys filed suit against LACCD in February 2009. The U.S. District Court for the Central District of California issued an injunction in July, prohibiting the district from enforcing its speech code as the case moves forward. In September, the court denied LACCD’s motion to reconsider the order, noting that “the Policy undeniably targets the content of expression” and is “unconstitutionally overbroad by sweeping within its reach a substantial amount of protected speech.” In the preliminary injunction order, the federal court noted that the policy is problematic because it “reaches constitutionally protected speech that is merely offensive to some listeners....” The court also stated that, “Supreme Court precedents ‘leave no room for the view that, because of the acknowledged need for order, First Amendment protections should apply with less force on college campuses than in the community at large. Quite to the contrary, the vigilant protection of constitutional freedoms is nowhere more vital than in the community of American schools.’” The court order enjoined the district policy that would have empowered administrators to punish Lopez for his speech. ADF Litigation Staff Counsel David J. Hacker is scheduled to present oral argument before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit on March 3 in defense of the federal court order prohibiting LACCD’s enforcement of the policy.
The hearing will determine whether LACCD will be allowed to enforce a speech code—found unconstitutional by a federal court—while the lawsuit moves forward. If the policy is allowed, the college will be allowed to trump student free speech rights protected by the First Amendment while the case is being litigated. A public college shouldn’t penalize Christian students for expressing their beliefs, let alone seek to enforce policies that have already been found unconstitutional.
ADF Media Relations Phone: (480) 444-0020, x. 17102 / E-mail: / Web:
ADF is a legal alliance of Christian attorneys and like-minded organizations defending the right of people to freely live out their faith. Launched in 1994, ADF employs a unique combination of strategy, training, funding, and litigation to protect and preserve religious liberty, the sanctity of life, marriage, and the family.
ABOUT David J. Hacker
David J. Hacker serves as litigation staff counsel with the Alliance Defense Fund at its Sacramento Regional Service Center in California, where he litigates cases for the ADF Center for Academic Freedom to protect the rights of Christian students, faculty, and staff at public colleges and universities across the nation. Joining ADF in 2005, he is admitted to the bar in Illinois and California. Hacker has been in practice since 2004 and earned his J.D. from Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. He served as an ADF Blackstone intern at the Pacific Justice Institute and is a 2002 ADF Blackstone Fellow. Hacker practiced in a private Chicago firm before joining ADF.
writing the la catholic worker group:

i go to los angeles city college.

i am experiencing classroom verbal harassment from multiple professors who speak of women as sluts, whore, tits and ass.

i am consulting with a sexual harassment attorney as well as the christian legal group 

which successfully litigated re:LACC professor incompetence.

i think this would make a good story.

i was raised catholic in extremely good catholic schools.

also do you know a catholic lawyer or law group that would consider a case v. LACC district for protecting abusive speech contrary to my spiritual beliefs, or as harassment?

i was raised catholic and am enrolled in the paralegal dept.  where multiple professors enforce a degrading atmosphere.

other students from other departments will confirm the pervasiveness of this tax-funded abuse.

the lopez case settled recently re: a professor calling a student a bastard.

so if women are molehills . . . and equality a molehill . . .

thank you for the response and the attention.
i love the class but find a bit of the chatter
t&a, and the a-hole hypothesis, and talk of "getting laid" (in bio), margaret thatcher being a man, etc . . . to be . . .

also if you knew what i went thru in my other classes you might see the cumulative nature of this.
in my other classes
i have heard professor rant on and on about hookers, prostitutes, bring films in with the word whore, the n-word, words i don't even know.
another prof talks about students making more money on the streets as a slut than in the legal field etc.

actually many of my friends have had a lot of trouble with profs in many depts. regarding racism, sexism, etc.

you of all people seem to be more sensitive to what women endure.

i am not into absolutist definitions of words and meanings and yes indeed did revisit the etymology.

because i was so lucky to have a very elegant and graceful father and go to nice schools before, i find the utilization of such language out of step with what i prefer, as well as out of step with the lectures i follow by correspondence online.

the lopez case as you are probably aware to me is demonstrative of the school's failure to protect its dwindling resources.

i think a high level of care should be taken to respect all students and err on the side of respect.

the fact that the school has to pay up for a prof calling a student a "bastard"
is evidence of how delicately students must be treated.  i in no way support the homophobic rant of the student either.

but the fact that teachers words can be very expensive, should alert all profs to the degree of respect and care they should show the school budget, if not the actual students.

as words evolve and change meanings, i think that is where a concept of consent might play in.
a word with a very innocent meaning can change and vice-versa, for which culture.
if i tell you it makes me uncomfortable, might you not say, oh i'm so sorry, let's think of a different way to express this?

it is the force of your personality which i most admire, and which gives me courage.  if it feels overwhelming, i think it is because we, as students are trained to be passive, and mild mannered.

i'm sorry i feel that the constant drip of verbal cruelty to women in culture in general is fascistic, but overall it is so culturally endemic to be quite annoying.

it doesn't really matter about the broadcasts anyway.
your class is amazing, overall and you know that.   i wouldn't attempt this conversation if it were not so.

i think the presumption that we should accept all the language blindly is the last thing you'd want . . . a bunch of sheep for students?
that doesn't sound any fun.
i am sorry if any of the words i used, offended you as well.
as surely i could have rephrased them to more accurately say what i meant.
most of all all i mean to say is that i subjectively feel overall, uncomfortable, with how women are treated, linguistically, civically, etc in this world.
and reminders of the disparity i feel can reinforce the status quo.  i think the class shouldn't align itself with pop-culture language and should try to find a more enlightened level of respect.
thanks for listening, and for being so thought-provoking, and for being such a great teacher, overall my second fave of all time, next to idit dobbs-weinstein who had to sue my old sexistalma mater to keep her job.
you guys are the best!

From: "Bartelt, Brian A" <>To: mary eng
Sent: Fri, April 16, 2010 12:53:04 PMSubject: RE: the t&a video response


With all due respect, you are completely out of line.  In no way can my class be described as "vulgar and antiquated."  I take offense at this gross misrepresentation.  Before you levy such a charge against me, I strongly suggest you think hard about what you are saying.  You will see that you have no case.

I take pedagogy seriously.  I take accusations like this seriously.  In no way do i think this a 
laughing matter.

Finally, before you make a mountain out of a mole-hill, perhaps you need to revisit the entomology of the word "tit."  It derives from teat, meaning nipple, and can be pronounced as tit or teet.  Both men and women have them, as do the cows on the farm on which I grew up.

I also do not appreciate your calling me a fascist.  These are serious charges/accusations and I will not stand by and let a student throw such accusations my way - especially when they are completely unwarranted.  I always welcome questions and discussion.  In fact, I go out of my way to facilitate that.

I tried to accommodate you and your desire to video my lectures.  However, these base-less accusations have left me with no choice but to forbid all filming and taping of my lectures, as my 
academic freedom is now at stake.  I will make a formal announcement in class next week.

-Dr. Bartelt 

Thursday, 15 April 2010

have a nausea type feeling about today.
it will suit video form.
will broadcast as soonas i get to an unrestricted signal.

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

property law: marriage is for man and woman, and women eat bonbons and gain 100 pounds

i don't believe in real anything. real lacc or anything else.
whatever happens here
is amazing

i love how people look down on you for going to a poor school in the ghetto.
i love it.

it makes me so proud.

i just found a bunch of old books left over from the book sale fundraiser.

too bad the bookstore is closing early due to the budget crisis.  3pm.
ridiculous. sad.

but hey all the free books that got trashed after the book sale are amazing.
i found hannah arendt eichman in jerusalem
djuna barnes nightwood
enviro science
and nepal travel books.
and a book of hindu something the doctrine of the heart.

one time i found a free opera encyclopedia outside the library.

quizzing duffy in property law on the heterosexist marriage system
we are talking property
community property
he is decrying the bon-bon eating (presumably female) spouse.
the class was really getting carried away here.
haha. not.
seemed time to get serious about gay marriage since everything has to be so heterosexist conservative here in property law.
my cool classmate helped the follow up question.
and duffy seemed to answer this has nothing to do with property law. it was a little rude, in a subtle way.  i felt it. sort of subtext being: if i answer this question i might become gay so i have to dis you a little to make sure you know i'm straight.
but really it does have something to do with property law.
he reaffirmed that a valid marriage is defined by a wife and a husband.
but he likes me too much to talk down to me.
that was why it was impt to follow up about a question about
when you say domestic partnership what do you mean? a registered one?
he didn't really answer it bc i asked too much at once and got us sidetracked onto common law marriage.

really can't wait for class tomorrow
cultural anthropology is sweet,_Germs,_and_Steel
eric recs

i am glad about getting respect from duffy.  sort of.  duffy is the best teacher ever despite endorsing waterboarding in guantanamo.  no kidding.
found that out last term.
it was off the record as class wound down.
it was the perfect time for me to tell him about the foulness in the legal dept.
because even if he does endorse waterboarding, he is appalled by a lack of professionalism, and has too much pride to let the craft steer too far off course for long.
his tell tale jibe at the dilution of quality in the department regarding
spoon-feeding etc has not gone unnoticed.

happy to have dropped two classes.
the discovery is that if i am mentally numbed by the teaching style, regardless of the objective quality, it means i learn nothing to negligible.
in a sense it is my fault.

i will honestly miss lanzer, despite resenting his sexist statements prior.  he is so dry and acerbic, and sarcastic.  its dark and funny.  and the sexist part is so textbook 1950's.    he always reminded me of richard burton in who's afraid of virginia woolf.  i mean that as a compliment.

and as for vargas's legal writing, he's teaching it like we are in kindergarten, so my brain completely shuts off, due to the massive level of condescention.  his family law is more fun, more theoretical, and i don't like boring grammar lessons.
hello i read finnegan's wake already!
six hours of his tedious approach is more than i can take.
three hours will be enough.
about something interesting.
the family.
especially after he really goofed it by screening such a sexist film a year ago.
just so i can know he has no taste, imagination, or respect for women.
can't believe he thought i'd want to go to class to hear every trashy sexist epithet in the book and watch a bad movie.
pure laziness and lack of imagination.
he would not imagine how smart we are and how much respect we deserve or crave.
he's still a nice guy though, with nice power points, nice outlines, etc.
and he says the LSAT is hard.