let me preface this with the understanding that i have worked for the legal department of the hollywood gay and lesbian center
which fields calls regarding hate crime, hate speech, partner abuse, landlord discrimination, on the job harassment.
this is beyond my level of comprehension.
if it were a set up with a fake email, designed to spur hatred, i might easily disregard it.
it reads:
Hello Mary Eng, I'm also a student of Mr. Bartelt. I have a question for you.. Do you think Mr. Bartelt may be gay? Is that the reason for the Hate towards women?
the most important thing to realize
besides the privacy breach this student risks in writing me and the implication that repressed bisexuality or homosexuality can result in aggression----
is that hatred of anyone on gender or orientation lines is absolutely unacceptable
from our collateral murder protorture bradley manning imprisoning governement.
i tend to think everyone has endocrinology spectrum of many hormones which affect human identity.
americans eat so many cow hormones in their milk, they are actually self modifying through the endocrine uptake of other species.
there is also pollution in the water systems leading to many variations of gender and hermaphroditism.
many many foods have estrogenizing effects and can modify other endocrine function.
they say marijuana is estrogenizing.
sexual disfunction results from animal fats clogging arteries. the more fat a man has on his body, the more estrogenic hormones are produced.
alcohol affects the body towards waist-fat acumulation, as do transfats.
our bodies and minds are complex.
for maximum health and vitality of mind i recommend a near raw vegan diet, with a wide variety of oils for the myelinization of the neural connections. the wide spectrum of oils and proteins available in a raw vegan diet will help the brain function at optimum.
i also recommend a large amount of juice for smog-dwellers in LA. maybe a look at ayruveda will help.
this relates to cursing professors, because their words stay in our minds to sting forever, like all verbal abuse.
we must detoxify our hearts, as victims of hate speech and rape and domestic violence and discriminatory hate speech.
how can we neutralize this powerful suffering???
and furthermore
i do not exist, i am transpersonal, we are one----light seeks light----go to the place of maximum light---if you are breaking away from darkness----do not hold yourself away from light . . .
that bartelt still has a job, with which to cause grief to young students, with his vigorous sexism, is a mystery to me.
except the USA has torture written into our highest legal theory
USA hates human rights
what is missing from our society is total acceptance for all gender expression.
if humans were not so propagandized into ways of hatred, they would freely float on waves of kindnes and transcendence.
today i had a first meditation session at the brahma coumaris center in stockholm.
i distinctly thought of bartelt, and the harsh words he issued, in stark contrast to the gentleness of our teacher.
she was speaking of the metaphysical power of thoughts and words.
a basic tenant of jainism.
she asked me what spiritualtiy i have
i puzzled over
and finally answered
which teaches nonviolence
a puzzle of nonviolence is how to make justice and protect the weak.
that is why i fight and protest LACC's abuse of the young people of los angeles.
it is my higher sense of duty.
i seek to protect and inspire the young, who i witnessed being abused.
my conscience won't let me off the hook.
it is with this knowledge that i write, continually, on issues pertaining to human suffering and war.
yesterday i was working on this:
i myself am gay, so gayness is wonderful to me.
if indeed bartelt was raised in a homophobic environment, as was i, he may have hidden aggression for the multigendered spirit which inhabits all of us.
this is very common.
once in class, he spoke of attraction to a transgendered male to female.
i share this feeling, although i am not sure his persoanl predilictions need be part of the discourse.
but i reject the double standard that makes talking about your heterolover as perfectly okay, but your gay or transgendered love
is subject
to don't ask don't tell,
as the love that dare not speak its name,
how oppressive!!!!!
spiritually, i think many men in america, are disempowered by the war machine atmosphere of industrialized american corporate fascism, such that they seek to re-assert their spiritual power, by verbally humiliating women.
i actually place this as a misguided socialization of a attracting cue.
such that men might think cursing at women proves their heteronormative machismo.
but also having grown up in tennessee, where homophobia is so prevalent, and knowing bartelt studied in one of the carolinas, home of much racism and sexism and homophobia, there might have been some basic enculturation at an important state of his linguistic development.
such that he cannot openly exist in kindness and compassion.
also, it is almost impossible to get on a LA bus, watch the TV, or go to a bar that you don't here some
gutter language.
this was formerly called "talking like a sailor"
or plebian
or common
or trashy
or sleazy
or salacious
or vulgar.
a friend of mine said how vulgar! regarding a simple clothing choice.
and i realize, that truly elegant men, have no need to be vulgar to prove anything to anyone.
as a mere comment can get you beaten up, outside a bar, it must be understood, that what you say can get you into infinities of trouble.
so if you think you have free speech, you still might choose your words carefully, lest they wind up making you the subject of a research project on sexism in the classroom or a future lawsuit.
a retributive justice system is a poor reflection in the material universe of immaterial karmic systems.
people like me operate outside of normal predicted behavior.
my best jobs have unpaid.
my most exciting journalistic endeavors have been unpaid.
but somehow, my quest for justice has kept me afloat through karmic paychecks i don't even understand.
simple understanding of labor law, landlord law, police brutality law have given me boosts.
i plow this back into my merciless quest for truth and justice.
one of the best things bartelt lectures on is the transpersonal.
i think of brilliant things he helped me towards, almost as frequently as i think of his verbal abusiveness.
if i had a child, no amount of verbal abuse or cruelty would ever be tolerated.
the negative trauma that i must unravel, as i try to ponder how it is possible that someone issue hateful words in a public place financed by tax payer money, is still ongoing.
i truly think anyone who is abused by federal employees should be remunerated in health care and associated expenses for trauma, grief, counseling.
the fact that the leadership of the school protects abusers, so they can try to rake in federal cash, is such an obviously unethical business model.
but at least LACC is not sprayed down with skinmelting white phosphorus like our federal government fallujah civilian massacre.
i sincerely open my heart to bisexuality, transexuality, gay expression, and hetero-love. i think love is the sweetest thing in the world, and the only thing, really.
everything that gets in the way of love is a state of anger and war.
when we can disengage from harsh words, we can come to a place of peace.
when i moved up to oregon for more studies, there was a lot of cursing and nastiness among the vulgar country-folk who run portland state university.
they didnt seem to realize i was used to more sophisticated kinds of sexism, and have very specific tastes, when it comes to academia.
as i am out of the country now for three months, i realize, i do not want to go back to a place of oppression or hatred or verbal abuse, and all the exploitative, demoralizing advertising and language that pollute the american landscape.
my mind has many more important tasks before it without this level of constant degradation like chinese water torture.
this was a blip on the map.
what reason bartelt has for continuing to make students feel bad, as this email seems to indicate, is beyond me.
but as i have given my email front page publication, as help desk for LACC sexism, i can't begin to comprehend how retrogressive america seems in retrospective.
i hope i never go back.
maybe bartelt should renounce his american citizenship too, because politically we have a lot in common.
he is a great teacher.
he just needs a grandmother with a bar of peppermint hemp soap to wash out his dirty mouth.
some people just crave attention.
boy do they get it.
i wish he'd put his good mind into positive peace action
and stop proclaiming the necessity of animal torture and meat-eating as well.
if he went vegan, and nonsexist, and meditated more, on the torture of american empire, we'd be happy to be a part of the larger future we are experiencing.
his great mind should not be wasted on hurting women who are already hurt by other aggressors.
he should pull it together and make a beautiful impact on this world, or retreat to meditation
until he can confront the human face
with kindness and truth
and compassion.
and homophobia in america is a big deal, it sparks suicide.
so really we need to smash racism, smash sexism, smash homophobia
in this world
so this very curious email to me is getting published and i hope other students are not afraid to write me.
i hope i can help.