do no harm:

idit dobb-weinstein: "teaching is action and thinking at once. What I try to guard against most when I teach is not speaking as if my answer were conclusive, so as to avoid (to the extent possible) any kind of dogmatic appropriation. It is understandable why students might wish to imitate their teachers, but there are different modes of imitation. I try very hard to avoid the mimetic appropriation that is immediate, passive, and occludes thinking. One other reason is that if I made clear what my views were, and my views appeared as if they were final, it would preclude the possibility of first, students challenging me and second, learning from my students. The relation between the student and teacher is, to me, a dynamic relationship . . . Teaching and learning is a movement that occurs between. In other words, we are at once both agent and patient, both teacher and learner. If we are not very careful, we can do a great deal of harm. And that, too, I have learned from my teachers, Maimonides especially.

I believe my task is to provoke students to think and to engage them in genuine dialogue and questioning. To paraphrase a rabbinic saying, 'I have learned from my teachers, and I have learned from my peers, but I have learned most from my students.' And that is a continuous process of learning."

Thursday, 27 October 2011

UCLA taser

so Fink wanted me to come to UCLA to explain the LACC
i should demand a free tasering in exchange for explaining the Civil Rights Act and Free Speech Threat at LACC
land of sexism and rape jokes, but to my knowledge, no free tasering
the governor's fee waiver

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

#occupywallstreet #occupyla #occupyDC

hey y'all all major american cities are UNDER CONSTRUCTION due to major city occupations planned by youth in america
6 october
#occupy together

coinciding with a massive march to DC

be aware police are issuing pre-emptive arrest strategies
in new york city they are beating protesters

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

spamming for equality

From: mary eng
To: jamillah moore ; LACCD counsel legal ; LACC collegian ; israel fonseci ; "" ;  ombudsman ; keith fink ; "" ; tom duffy ; "" ; lewis r ; LACC collegian arts ; Letia R. Royal burnet ; lawrence bradford ;  fadwa el guindi ; lacc anthropology project ; LACC anthro South Africa ; PSU general counsel ; boghossian PSU ; psu counsel david c reese
Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2011 1:04 PM
Subject: sexism at LACC

DEAR JAMILLAH MOORE, president of Los Angeles City College

everything is messed up about your letter to me

i made numerous complaints about numerous sexist LACC professors
including Lanzer's use of the word SLUT or LACC campus RAPE theory that it was the victim's fault
and Lewis's obsession with "prostitutes" and sex scandals

but the most critical issue involved the grade retaliation 

for complaining about


along with numerous other trashy vulgar comments about "bitching" "shitty" "assholes"
he was discriminatory on a lot of levels.

to women, to vegetarians, and to latinos

he promoted animal torture including the unaesthenetized disembowlment of animals or burning of live chickens.

when he was seething mad the last day of class because of my complaints regarding his sexism and anger problems he was really mean to a young latin boy who profiled the anthropology of Punk culture in Koreatown becuase the student explained the alcoholic issues in the punk scene.

in stark contrast he was supportive of the marijuana project.

so in your letter to me
you confuse this grade retaliation with Tom Duffy in the paralegal department.

Tom Duffy made cracks about women GETTING FAT EATING BON-BONS in the context of a marriage to a rich man.
i considered this sexist also---but it was not as severe as being shouted at and cursed at by BARTELT>

so please check your documentation or read my blog to clear up your confusion.

how can you issue a judgement when you will not avail yourself of the FACTS.

when we speak 26 monday at 3:30 hopefully we can clear this up.

rhonda put me in for an appointment on that day.

i want to know what you are doing to get the facts straight and to protect the students of LACC from a hostile learning atmosphere.

eckford threatened to kick me out of anthropology for blogging and told keith fink to "jump in a stream" and that he would "hang up on your dumb ass" after forcing me into a mandatory meeting alone with him and bartelt in which eckford said the words "vagina" "breast"

i found this extremely uncomfortable and harassing and vulgar and unprofessional.

there is a recording on my blog of this sexual verbal abuse on the blog

please realize wikileaks inspired sites like UNILEAKS will begin to uncover the corruption inside the federal school systems as well
and more students will find the power to expose the abusiveness of school administration as you continue to reward and protect ABUSERS

if anyone is interested in sexism at my current school PSU
please see

Saturday, 27 August 2011

dear chancellor and board of trustees

on behalf of the young women of LACCD
i urge you to reconsider
that i have received a "C" in punishment for reporting Bartelt's rude, sexist, vulgar language in the classroom.
the position of ms. passman and ms. moore is to politely brush it under the rug.  the terms i heard at LACC included "tits and ass" "bitchin" "asshole" "shitty" from Bartelt and "whore" "slut" "prostitute" and more in the paralegal department and a Rape joke about the student raped at LACC by lanzer.
bartelt disparaged anorexics, bulimics, vegetarians, and christians.
eckford threatened to kick me out of the class for blogging and said "vagina" to me.
this is my formal request for an appeal.

the public outing of internal civil rights act violations and sexual harassment of a hostile nature contributing to a hostile atmosphere such that women are denied EQUAL ACCESS to an education must be assessed.
please make LACC fair.
please send me copies of my complaints on

i suffer great measures of sadness and anxiety that this VERBAL HUMILIATION is used against women unfairly
in the classroom
i am sad

please mail all copies of your documentation to  of my discrimination complaints to

please include internal memos
hiring/firing policies and revision of
training modules that have come about as
LACCD has faced exposure
please also let me know how
LACCD will remunerate or reward me for my work as a watchdog and whistleblower.
regardless of the outcome of your appeal
i will not be satisfied until all women are treated fairly in the classroom.
the systemic sexist Abuse Passman and Moore protect
inhibit the future of equality
other issues of advocacy are impacted by the educational environment.
serious social change in the areas of

domestic violence
pay inequality
reproductive care inequality
verbal abuse
spouse battery
sex work
lack of female representation in government

hindered by your POOR methods of Educating and controlling your sexist professors.  i strongly urge you to exercise Leadership for the Future of women in LACC and Beyond.
that you continue to rake in federal dollars while protecting verbal abuse
by White Male Professors
against your Latina and Asian and Middle Eastern
women of LACC can only appear to me to be
both extremely sexist

courage is contagious.

that your company cannot avoid the serious Public Relations  Fiasco on the Blogosphere by exerting sound Leadership is to me an avoidable error.
please consider a Best Practices Approach to Training Your Professors.
if it is not a Best Practice to shout "Tits and Ass" at a female student and then retaliate against and punish her with a "C"  for reporting it Perhaps you can hold a conference of Teachers to keep them in check.
Good Wishes for Your Work for Equality and Human Rights.
I look forward to th outcome of this appeal.
I will submit to interview and provide documents and BLOG>


as well as

for Evidence

for the Women of Los Angeles
and LACC
and all oppressed minorities, disabled, Transgendered, GAY, etc

The LACC Equality Coalition

mary eng

Thursday, 4 August 2011

bartelt's tits and ass class

letter to former DOJ lawyer and now EQUALITY ombudsman cristy passman

and LACC President jamillah moore

i want to thank you for investigating bartelt's tits and ass and shitty and bulimic and anorexic and christian and vegan slurs and whiteman identity issues.

while i am sorry you consider this acceptable under the civil rights act, nonetheless as a woman i am sure this has been both embarrassing and unpleasant, as was taking his class.

i do hope you have more respectful encounters.

once again if you would like to hear eckford and bartelt coercing me out of my free speech to review bartelt's cursing problem on the blogosphere you can listen here:

many students wrote me with similar sadness.

i am very sorry it seems you do not care for the psychological well being of students who are unaccustomed to verbal abuse.

in an age of school shootings, all attempts to diffuse professor anger should be a part of safety protocol if not basic human dignity or civil rights.

i am so sorry you do not have more respect for me as a human.

to condone this behavior reflects poorly upon your post and is an insult to the women of LACC who are statistically sure to be victims of domestic violence, rape, and verbal abuse elsewhere.

i would love to point you to progressive measures for women's safety in international milieus.

the chronic underpay and underrepresentation of women in the USA is a part of the cultural milieu which would condone the verbal abuse of the women at LACC.

did you approve the hate speech against Japanese people at UCLA?

at which point your approval for hateful verbal conduct provokes an atmosphere of violence you might experience remorse.

i hope bartelt has experienced personal growth.

but sadly i have heard that his hatefulness to women continues at LACC.

i wish you cared.

i hope your own children have attained a higher degree of etiquette and future hiring decisions will reflect a desire to reduce the nuisance of such paper work and bureaucracy as your ineffective year long investigation has yielded.

did you come to a decision about Lanzer's jokes about the LACC rape victim? 

i hope it has been a learning experience for everyone.

i am very sorry i rubbed your nose in this, as it would have been easier for all of us if i had just brushed it under the rug with all the other sexist stuff from other white male professors at LACC.

thanks for everything.

if you get a chance
check out the jamie leigh foundation.
she was gang raped and gagged by Halliburton and KBR federal contractors.
US senators voted to keep war contractor rape victims gagged.
the same federal government that pays your salary.

in peace
eng, mary

Saturday, 30 July 2011

embassy of piracy los angeles city college 2009

embassy of piracy embarrasses the year 2009

i got so obsessed about intellectual property that year, re the pirate bay trial.
now i am starting to feel the bigger big picture.
for FBI operation onslaught against Mantech FFF III
check here

Tuesday, 26 July 2011


it was very nice to meet unileaks associates at the wikileaks event 2 july.
i support all methods to expose industrialized and federalized corruption, even at the university level, where at times the toil feels petty.
the larger issues of torture in guantanamo and the suppression of wikileaks i find more largely a function of systemic generational gaps as they affect moral compass and dominance heirarchies.
as the blogosphere and the internet seem to be quite confusing for the Torture Generation, who rely on racist prisons, tortureINC, for their paychecks, it seems very unreasonable that they might respect your civil rights, especially within the borders of a country which supports torture and refuses to ratify the convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women.
but it's a good fight, nevertheless.
i hope that all professors and war bureucrats might begin to conduct themselves in a way that stands the sunlight of transparency.
if they have conduct which embarrasses them on the blogosphere, they might take heed, before the university system becomes geriatric care.
the larger biological issue at place within such dominance heirarchies, are our elders need to be feared if not respected.
when their conduct is so unfair and discriminatory that it makes them despicable, it might be well to move towards more humble, egalitarian, and socratic methods.
cheers to unileaks and all new non-violent methods which might unseat corruption and cruelty.

Friday, 27 May 2011

macho madness with MikeDiva

for lovers of literature and eloquence please go here:
marcel proust: swann's way

for future PTSD and masochists:
go to LACC
cutters . . .
re: sleazy sexist profs obsessed with slut and prostitutes at LACC.
its not hustler mag, but close enough.
its like a funny farm pretending to be a school.
racism too.  i finally got why my latina friend was like, i wouldn't go to that ghetto school, i'm afraid of being raped.  and indeed, the rape on campus was brushed aside by the sheriffs.
and lanzer cracked jokes about how it was the rape victims fault.
poor primate!!!!
we will all die?

why be immortalized as a pottymouth on the blogosphere when you could be the five star Yelp review of teachers, with shiny red apples on your desk and devotees heady on the psychedelic music of justice?
like, under the che guevera flag.
even the national lawyers guild says we must resist
radical black panthers misogyny.
they meet on third and crescent heights first tuesdays at 7pm, if you want some intelligent people in the same room.
otherwise, take anthro.
otherwise you might get a "C" for your lack of maleness, or super-whiteness.
this video is in honor of brian bartelt's urinal vocabulary lessons
asshole theory
"show your tits" mardi gras refrain
"tits and ass" shoutout in cultural anthropology for which he graded me "C"
after i asked he never never curse or say unkind things towards bulimics and anorexics or vegans or women, ever again.
in defiance of civil rights act the entire state of california is too illiterate to read now
thanks to Idiocracy.
his anger is wicked cool.  way to be fierce dude.  but i just wish he'd stop verbally his students with his prison vocabulary and turn his enemy against our real enemy
i mean karl rove  and WAR INC.

now i never say white
it is the ultra unsayable
unscientific and racist.
however the cultural cliches summed up in "stuff white people like"
cover many of the bases
that anthropology teaches, at LACC.

when brian bartelt would speak of him self as "white" i felt uncomfortable.
i thought we were in a post race post gender
where everyone is equal and respected.
not heterosexist elitist white male shoutathon.
i think anthro as a subject is tricky in a collateral murder
racist war era.
i rather read the gitmo files about
waterboarding in guantanamo.

psychological abuse runs generations thick, and the racism left over in the  third generation and the fourth generation spills through to the new BP oil era "tits and ass" experts
who boldly proclaim their hate
or freedom to hate speech
or bulimics
or whoever.
yes, i am calling you a nazi. or no, how about sadist. sadistic hatred of women embodied in militant verbal abuse in the classrom.
and indeed when i said terrorize, i was referring to the traumatizing effects of verbal abuse.
tthe fear of ever returning to such a place of abuse, the tears.
look it up.
from ehow

What Is Verbal Abuse?

  • Verbal abuse is more than spoken negative words. Verbal abuse can be communicated with or without words in sarcasm, body gestures, tone, ignoring, rolling the eyes, laughing and teasing. The effects of verbal abuse can be experienced physically, behaviorally and emotionally. Without identifying verbal abuse, addressing it and seeking treatment, victims may experience lifelong scars and symptoms. Two common traits of verbal abusers is the brainwashing of their victims and the need to control them. Victims are brainwashed to believe everything the abuser tells them, and the abuser becomes controlling to the point of secluding the victim from friends and family.

Behavioral Effects

  • Verbal abuse has unlimited, damaging effects that may be experienced throughout life without treatment. Symptoms of behavioral effects of verbal abuse include the following and may be experienced by all ages: difficulty sleeping, profound and inappropriate sucking, biting, rocking, bed-wetting, exaggerated immature behavior, low self-esteem, excessive moodiness, aggressiveness, overacting, shyness or being withdrawn, sadness and depression, lack of trust in oneself and others, lying, stealing, and suicide.

Physical Effects

  • The age that verbal abuse began will often determine the extent of the physical effects suffered by the victim. Some of the first physical symptoms experienced in young children who are verbally abused may be a slower physical development and speech problems. As verbally abused children grow older, they may develop facial tics and go through periods of hurting themselves. Again, the age will determine the type of personal harm inflicted. Small children often bite themselves; older children may use pencils or pens to inflict harm, and if items that could be used to cut or burn themselves are readily available, older children may use these as well. Pre-teens through adults can develop eating disorders, abuse drugs and alcohol and even commit suicide.

Emotional Effects

  • The emotional effects of verbal abuse are the deep-seated feelings of low self-worth and insignificance. Victims can feel undeserving, fearful and unlovable. They also might lack of confidence and faith. The emotional effects can be as painful and difficult to overcome as any of the physical or behavioral effects.

i am really sorry to be picking on eckford and bartelt, as i have given up ALL hope.
and at a certain point bickering with idiots shows weakness.
peace out and never say an unkind word.
and watch your back LACC
columbine is a breath away, and so long as bully teachers with big egos push kids around, suicides and rampages and toilet seat grafitti and blogs will be our recourse to justice.
so count your self lucky if you make out of every day alive, so long as kamikazi lesbians
display their own
alphabet soup
i mean, women go la femme nikita too.  i wouldn't mess with women these days.  talking trash at us like a wanna-be larry flint.

cutting down women proves less than nothing . . .
but cuss-a-thon pissing contests

macho madness, i couldn't have said it better
thank the lovely talented MikeDiva sums up

the MACHO madness

not nacho,

as the freedom to hate speech Asians roars over at UCLA
let Macho Madness MikeDiva rock your asian button.
like anonymous and sony.

at which point LACC trying to control the internet
is like karl rove trying to gag wikileaks
bradley manning

or shoq trying to hunt down lockean

update: gay will be illegal in tennessee soon

to protest the indefinite detention and humiliation of bradley manning, persecuted for exposing war crimes, and for being gay
in hollywood



Signholding and photos: "I am Bradley Manning!"

Honolulu, HI
June 3, 2011. 6:30pm

Rally at Fort Leavenworth for Bradley Manning!

Leavenworth, KS
June 4, 2011. 11:30am

NYC Solidarity rally for Bradley!

New York, NY
June 4, 2011. 12:30pm

House concert for Bradley!

Santa Rosa, CA
June 12, 2011. 2:30pm

March for Bradley Manning at SF Pride!

San Francisco, CA
June 26, 2011. 9:45am

Weekly Friday vigils to free Bradley Manning!

West Hollywood, CA
August 1, 2011. 7pm

Thursday, 26 May 2011

i want to go back to school

but then a good friend reminds me of being talked to like an idiot by bartelt, lanzer, duffy, vargas, passman, eckford.

LACC.  better than guantanamo.   for sure.  for sure.

waterboarding, now available in styrofoam.

i am learning so much more writing and reading wikileaks.

Friday, 20 May 2011

the legendary magic sexism of bartelt

i have spies. not really.  but the grapevine.

it makes its way around.

my un-named source has a friendwho takes class with the professor described as the one who takes acid with the kids.
now i don't know if this is true, but how timothy leary.
and i heard he went out to do shrooms with the beautiful portugese student he was sleeping with.

but when tax money is involved, it is obvious that she might be exploiting him as a servant of the state.

and so the latest on sexist pottymouth genius bartelt is that there is a group of girls who sit in the back of the classroom and and are considering whether or not to make a complaint on his sexism/epithets/nastiness.

the girls feel intimidated.

the phrase pearls before swine . . . comes to mind.

he is going a little crazy she says. (my sources come from conservativeland, and are unknowing of the occult . . .)
he spoke of

animals painted in caves . . .
what do you find in common with these animals
owl in the tree
i know to run because witches turn into owls.

his friend thinks he's brilliant.
of course he is.
and that is why it hurts to see such brilliance turning into buckets of deep-fried sleeze.

renounce your white skin privilege say the black panthers
and then
renounce your male privilege so too . . .

as for only letting the men talk in class, and shooting the women down every time they begin to speak . . .

Monday, 2 May 2011

lacc warning system

see you in class!

warning to any and all professors.  i dont want to listen to your sexist BS.

so be ready to star on the internet as a sexist idiot if you so much as verbally harass the class in my presence!

but other than that so homesick for LA! and i love the LACC pricetag.

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

protecting students from hatred and hate crime

"Under the hostile environment theory used by the OCR, if repeated
incidents of harassment or a single severe incident of harassment
occurs at a school, the school administration must take action—not
only to protect the victim but also to protect the school and staff
from liability."

get on the bus! make sure fam sues after you suicide!

suicide sparks lawsuit. sue the bullys! sue they who protect the bullys!

now if any of your teachers are so verbally abusive as to incite your suicide, prior to completing the act, include a link to this court case to your parents and their lawyer, so your family can sue LACC or whatever creepy school protects your verbal harrassment and bullying.

1. Original Complaint

RIP notre dame rape victim/suicide

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

smash racism, smash sexism, smash homophobia

let me preface this with the understanding that i have worked for the legal department of the hollywood gay and lesbian center

which fields calls regarding hate crime, hate speech, partner abuse, landlord discrimination, on the job harassment.

this is beyond my level of comprehension.

if it were a set up with a fake email, designed to spur hatred, i might easily disregard it.

it reads:

LACC Another Upset Student
Add to Contacts

Hello Mary Eng, I'm also a student of Mr. Bartelt. I have a question for you.. Do you think Mr. Bartelt may be gay? Is that the reason for the Hate towards women?
the most important thing to realize

besides the privacy breach this student risks in writing me and the implication that repressed bisexuality or homosexuality can result in aggression----

is that hatred of anyone on gender or orientation lines is absolutely unacceptable
from our collateral murder protorture bradley manning imprisoning governement.

i tend to think everyone has endocrinology spectrum of many hormones which affect human identity.
americans eat so many cow hormones in their milk, they are actually self modifying through the endocrine uptake of other species.
there is also pollution in the water systems leading to many variations of gender and hermaphroditism.
many many foods have estrogenizing effects and can modify other endocrine function.
they say marijuana is estrogenizing.
sexual disfunction results from animal fats clogging arteries.  the more fat a man has on his body, the more estrogenic hormones are produced.
alcohol affects the body towards waist-fat acumulation, as do transfats.
our bodies and minds are complex.

for maximum health and vitality of mind i recommend a near raw vegan diet, with a wide variety of oils for the myelinization of the neural connections.  the wide spectrum of oils and proteins available in a raw vegan diet will help the brain function at optimum.

i also recommend a large amount of juice for smog-dwellers in LA.  maybe a look at ayruveda will help.

this relates to cursing professors, because their words stay in our minds to sting forever, like all verbal abuse.

we must detoxify our hearts, as victims of hate speech and rape and domestic violence and discriminatory hate speech.

how can we neutralize this powerful suffering???
and furthermore
i do not exist, i am transpersonal, we are one----light seeks light----go to the place of maximum light---if you are breaking away from darkness----do not hold yourself away from light . . .

that bartelt still has a job, with which to cause grief to young students, with his vigorous sexism, is a mystery to me.

except the USA has torture written into our highest legal theory
USA hates human rights

what is missing from our society is total acceptance for all gender expression.
if humans were not so propagandized into ways of hatred, they would freely float on waves of kindnes and transcendence.

today i had a first meditation session at the brahma coumaris center in stockholm.

i distinctly thought of bartelt, and the harsh words he issued, in stark contrast to the gentleness of our teacher.
she was speaking of the metaphysical power of thoughts and words.
a basic tenant of jainism.
she asked me what spiritualtiy i have
i puzzled over
and finally answered
which teaches nonviolence

a puzzle of nonviolence is how to make justice and protect the weak.
that is why i fight and protest LACC's abuse of the young people of los angeles.
it is my higher sense of duty.
i seek to protect and inspire the young, who i witnessed being abused.
my conscience won't let me off the hook.

it is with this knowledge that i write, continually, on issues pertaining to human suffering and war.
yesterday i was working on this:

i myself am gay, so gayness is wonderful to me.
if indeed bartelt was raised in a homophobic environment, as was i, he may have hidden aggression for the multigendered spirit which inhabits all of us.
this is very common.

once in class, he spoke of attraction to a transgendered male to female.
i share this feeling, although i am not sure his persoanl predilictions need be part of the discourse.
but i reject the double standard that makes talking about your heterolover as perfectly okay, but your gay or transgendered love
is subject
to don't ask don't tell,
as the love that dare not speak its name,
how oppressive!!!!!

spiritually, i think many men in america, are disempowered by the war machine atmosphere of industrialized american corporate fascism, such that they seek to re-assert their spiritual power, by verbally humiliating women.
i actually place this as a misguided socialization of a attracting cue.
such that men might think cursing at women proves their heteronormative machismo.

but also having grown up in tennessee, where homophobia is so prevalent, and knowing bartelt studied in one of the carolinas, home of much racism and sexism and homophobia, there might have been some basic enculturation at an important state of his linguistic development.
such that he cannot openly exist in kindness and compassion.

also, it is almost impossible to get on a LA bus, watch the TV, or go to a bar that you don't here some
gutter language.
this was formerly called "talking like a sailor"
or plebian
or common
or trashy
or sleazy
or salacious
or vulgar.
a friend of mine said how vulgar! regarding a simple clothing choice.
and i realize, that truly elegant men, have no need to be vulgar to prove anything to anyone.

as a mere comment can get you beaten up, outside a bar, it must be understood, that what you say can get you into infinities of trouble.

so if you think you have free speech, you still might choose your words carefully, lest they wind up making you the subject of a research project on sexism in the classroom or a future lawsuit.

a retributive justice system is a poor reflection in the material universe of immaterial karmic systems.

people like me operate outside of normal predicted behavior.
my best jobs have unpaid.
my most exciting journalistic endeavors have been unpaid.
but somehow, my quest for justice has kept me afloat through karmic paychecks i don't even understand.
simple understanding of labor law, landlord law, police brutality law have given me boosts.
i plow this back into my merciless quest for truth and justice.

one of the best things bartelt lectures on is the transpersonal.
i think of brilliant things he helped me towards, almost as frequently as i think of his verbal abusiveness.

if i had a child, no amount of verbal abuse or cruelty would ever be tolerated.

the negative trauma that i must unravel, as i try to ponder how it is possible that someone issue hateful words in a public place financed by tax payer money, is still ongoing.

i truly think anyone who is abused by federal employees should be remunerated in health care and associated expenses for trauma, grief, counseling.

the fact that the leadership of the school protects abusers, so they can try to rake in federal cash, is such an obviously unethical business model.

but at least LACC is not sprayed down with skinmelting white phosphorus like our federal government fallujah civilian massacre.

i sincerely open my heart to bisexuality, transexuality, gay expression, and hetero-love.  i think love is the sweetest thing in the world, and the only thing, really.

everything that gets in the way of love is a state of anger and war.
when we can disengage from harsh words, we can come to a place of peace.

when i moved up to oregon for more studies, there was a lot of cursing and nastiness among the vulgar country-folk who run portland state university.
they didnt seem to realize i was used to more sophisticated kinds of sexism, and have very specific tastes, when it comes to academia.

as i am out of the country now for three months, i realize, i do not want to go back to a place of oppression or hatred or verbal abuse, and all the exploitative, demoralizing advertising and language that pollute the american landscape.

my mind has many more important tasks before it without this level of constant degradation like chinese water torture.

this was a blip on the map.
what reason bartelt has for continuing to make students feel bad, as this email seems to indicate, is beyond me.
but as i have given my email front page publication, as help desk for LACC sexism, i can't begin to comprehend how retrogressive america seems in retrospective.
i hope i never go back.

maybe bartelt should renounce his american citizenship too, because politically we have a lot in common.
he is a great teacher.
he just needs a grandmother with a bar of peppermint hemp soap to wash out his dirty mouth.
some people just crave attention.
boy do they get it.

i wish he'd put his good mind into positive peace action
and stop proclaiming the necessity of animal torture and meat-eating as well.
if he went vegan, and nonsexist, and meditated more, on the torture of american empire, we'd be happy to be a part of the larger future we are experiencing.
his great mind should not be wasted on hurting women who are already hurt by other aggressors.
he should pull it together and make a beautiful impact on this world, or retreat to meditation
until he can confront the human face
with kindness and truth
and compassion.

and homophobia in america is a big deal, it sparks suicide.
so really we need to smash  racism, smash sexism, smash homophobia
in this world

so this very curious email to me is getting published and i hope other students are not afraid to write me.
i hope i can help.

Saturday, 26 March 2011

check out "community"

leave it to hollywood to express it far better than words or a blog ever could.

now let it be known i have not watched TV for 23 years.

but somehow here in sweden some friends torrented the show "community" off internet and i was suddenly watching the funniest nonsense of all time, outside of real life LACC.

now, true, the TV show is ultra crude, so do not blame me if it offends you.

but remember, i am the one that doesnt like being cursed at in real life.

the show is so funny bc it captures this impoverished idiocracy vibe.

the anthropology teacher is deluxe rude and crude too.

some of it was filmed at LACC, and at large, it is about the demise of the american economy and the plight of the ongoing education of older students in a fast food educational environment with socially gauche pompous educators and deranged fellow students.  sound familiar?????

the recurring chicken jokes affirm the fast food styrofoam vibe.  they could go vegan.
it was great, sort of, the wafting smell of melting beefgrease on styrofoam.  nothing makes your brain work better than thick coatings of transfats, saturated meatgreese, aspartame, and pesticide residue.  and tons of pot.  the more marijuana, the more LACC makes sense. the food should at least be as toxic as the tap water, and the grafitti in the bathroom should be as pornographic and expletive laced as possible, bc hey its LA BABY.

get out your razor blades and start writing messges on the toilet seat.  yeah.

and thanks for all the actual information, teachers, in addition to the sexist crude language, TMI.

overall,  my sense of disgust needed to get pushed to an extreme, at which point i get really radical, move away and enjoy the glories of equality-land sweden, where the men are as sweet as maple syrup, and never curse.

what is it about respectfulness that is soooooo attractive?  i will never know how i endured such stupidity at LACC, but it was all infotainment.

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

nyongo worker cults and CIA forced nudity for bradley manning and fragmentation of power blocs

hi i just wanted to check in with anyone who might stumble upon this blog.

i want you to know how much i love los angeles despite the pollution and dirty water.

if i am back in LA ever i for sure hope to take more classes at LACC.

the world has changed so much in the last 10 months, hope you noticed. as i watch the demonstrations in wisconsin and the upheavals in libya and egypt and tunisia, it seems hysterical that some LACC professors tried to censor my blog, on threat of kicking me out of their class.
hello its the wikileaks era, dinosaurs!

my more up-to-date blogging occurs at 

where music and politics mix with an interest in the inner workings of business of war and such.  it is about torture, US GVT financed torture.  they finance torture of bradley manning, so why should they care if your professors curse at you and make sexual snide sexist jokes, or ask out students, or verbally abuse you?  make light of rape?
its a free country right?
and as professors siphon state money off the federal government, the same government that is torturing bradley manning and detainees in guantanamo, you better bet that LACC's disability budget is slashed and that their teachers act like deranged epithet-spewing maniacs.

the age old cliche about choosing your battles couldn't be more apt.

yes, i wish the professors of los angeles city college were more enlightened and more happy and peaceful and less verbally aggressive to women.

i think of LACC as elder care, or a geriatric psych unit, more than an actual school.  where bc there isnt any real money in the US economy anymore, we can trick the us GVT into giving us bogus loans from bogus banks, in return for babysitting their delusional brainwash victims (ie professors) in exchange for  pell grants and the illusion of not being homeless on the streets of LA, though technically you are going in to debt, for this "opportunity" to improve your mind, in the presence of the cursing great apes.
but there is internet, sunshine, a great library, and yes we have each other.  we students that is.
we can teach eachother stuff, and write wikis and protest the budget cuts, and degrade eachother on facebook or at the ASO, where scott clapson-esque tempertantrums can pee all over the token brown woman in student government, because it is always important for one minority to crush the other minority, to prevent the coalition of power from rising against more powerful forces of evil, as in the federal government, cristy passman, LACCD, etc.

lots of love

but overall there are so many other things going on in the world.
and as i have removed myself from the sphere of their epithets and aggression, i am surrounded now by much more civilized people, who are kind and gentle in their words.
that is fortunate for me.

that leaves me more mental energy to concentrate on reading all the wikileaks cables and expose articles about HB Gary, anonymous, primegate, and bribery in swedish politics.
it leaves me more time to read CIA torture and detention memos.
in fact, verbal abuse makes a good start on a path to total "breaking" of a victim.
CIA Nudity Aclu                                                                                           
so when eckford invited me in to have he and bartelt curse at me in a private little gang-up, even though i went with a grain of salt, primarily to allow their foolishness to splay itself in all its ludicrousness----and with some naive hope i could increase their compassion towards other humans---i really perhaps pushed my own soul a little too far.

and then it all coincided with the bp oil spill.
and now one out of two people in gulf area are suffering strange disease like symptoms.

as i watch the wisconsin protest and get a letter from the lawyers guild about the 10th anniversary protest of the war in afganistan, i am reminded of how petty america is.

i m researching the arms industry in sweden which pumps equiptment into the never ending war.
operation bradical, wikileaks, anonymous
the future is brave, bold, digitized, hypercommunicative.

the future doesnt rely on dominance power structures, or authoritarian teaching methods which incorporate verbal humiliation as a part of the protocol.
if professors are still saying sexist or racist things at LACC, rise up, walk out, write a report, take a "C" in retaliation, get an attorney, make a blog, grafitti it, something.
you don't have to OBEY.
just because you are from east LA doesnt mean white man professor can treat you like the oppressed.

i have been meeting with experts in swedish criminal law.  some have had an awful time with the family law system here.  another told me of the huge miscarriage of justice in the assange case, involving the prime PR bribes and facebook conflict of interest.
so really the blogosphere is a dangerous place.
wikileaks has shown us how mere information can topple regimes.
so don't be afraid to rate your professors, write a blog about how they treat you, or to exercise your free speech in any way.
power is there for your taking.
the blogosphere is power.
information is power.
do not be afraid.
it is our world, and the old modalities of condescending authoritarian epithet-spewing profanity drenched didacticism are super over.
we young people respect each other more than that.
our generation will destroy artificial borders which separate families.
we will expose the corruption of the banks and the wars.
anonymous will out bank of america.
sweden's arms deals for american wars and sweden's propaganda collaboration with US GVT will be out in the open.

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Friday, 11 February 2011

gender oppression in USA needs a nice strong dose of sonje akesson

sonje akesson poetry

to summarize: slavery

expand: ideological slavery

as it pertains with verbal abuse in the classroom

when i tell swedish men, most often they are extremely shocked that in america, professors and bosses regularly verbally abuse women with impunity

Thursday, 10 February 2011

humans communicating: prisons of the mind: men who hate women

File:Castro-Beauvoir-Sartre-Che Guevara.jpg

as i was reading the wiki on simone de beauvoir, this picture caused me to flashback to a funny moment in time, when i found myself in a similar setting.

an office, speaking with humans.
i read simone de beauvoir's the second sex when i was eighteen.

i personally feel genderless, free of any such thing.  i feel myself to be pure intellect.
i do not want to express sexism or hatred of any kind.
i do not find it to be beneficial to my mind.

at 33 years of age,
i was sitting in LACC sociology chair's wendel eckford's new office in one of the nice new buildings at LACC, listening to grown men curse at me.  my blog was printed out and held by a cursing anthropologist.

as a writer, it is a great feeling to know someone is reading your work.

a huge red che guevera flag was on the wall.

eckford was explaining why i would be kicked out of bartelt's anthro class if i continued to blog the language used in the classroom.
eckford repeated all the language.

freedom of speech sometimes includes freedom to be creepy, lame, gross.

i am such a connoisseur of the elegant, eloquent type.  they are hard to find.  they are all dead perhaps, like my grandfather.

as wendell recited his litany of epithets to me, in the most bizarre moment of cinematic misogyny, he added "vagina" to the already nagging "bitching" "tits and ass" and "show your tits" "asshole" etc. which he vigorously defended.

i am in sweden now.  
via a friend
i found out about a swedish poet
sonja akesson, who wrote about marriage as being the slave of a white man.Ã…kesson

i am extremely creeped out by swedish xenophobia, racism, eugenics.
but gosh, they sure do love equality for women.
that's nice.
but things aren't perfect here.

pop american misogyny is exported just like mcdonalds.
women here still get raped and beaten and trafficked and sold.
even occasionally cursed at/about, i've sadly found out.
but i do think i went several weeks without hearing a single curse word.

men who hate women is stieg larsson was writing about.
women here make 82% of what a man makes.
which far exceeds america's dismal pay gap stats: 58% for a latina woman, 70% for white women to the american male 100% dollar.

Thursday, 20 January 2011

the cycle of violence can begin in language

an anonymous person has come forward with complaints of similar poor treatment in philosophy department of PSU.

any philosophy which enforces gender prejudice is not so true to the preposterous aspiration: "love of wisdom."

for PSU and LACC, my sexist schools,

feel fortunate to have escaped the american ozone spacetime warp momentarily, for a vacation in a land where women are far more respected.

consequently, i feel so much like a human, that i really care not to engage my energies with many of the barbaric elements of american culture i seek to avoid, including the subservient women who make modern american sexism possible.

i wish i could inspire you more.

in the future all humans will be respected.
in the meantime, your government supports torture, extrajudicial assassination orders, and yes, sexist professors.

for inspiration, i suggest you turn your eyes to the harassment suits of keith fink against dov charney of american apparel, or the work of civil rights attorney gloria allred, the work of icelandic parlimentarian birgitta jonsdottir, amy goodman's persistent advocacy on democracy now, or the brilliant vandana shiva.

brilliant women are everywhere, so are brilliant men.  we should start respecting eachother.
and language is where it starts.

when people use words that inflict pain, to strategically humiliate women, who are financially destroyed by unequal pay, and underrepresentation in government, and humiliated by domestic violence and barbaric media----

violence begets violence.

bless you all, and for all women who seek education and employment despite institutionalized systemic discrimination

for the sacrifice you make to your dignity

and for the purveyors of cruelty and injustice, that you might begin to see your error

incitation to disrespect

your vulgarities can create an atmosphere literally life threatening

and as you destroy our self esteem, secret violence unto ourselves can destroy

words of hatred can incite multitudinous violence

for those who suffer anorexia, bulimia, drug addiction, self-harm

i cannot tell you how kind and respectful the men are in sweden, they have a totally different culture---

its wonderful to be treated like a human

when i describe what happened with sexist professors, they gasp and say, that's not right.
of course not.