do no harm:

idit dobb-weinstein: "teaching is action and thinking at once. What I try to guard against most when I teach is not speaking as if my answer were conclusive, so as to avoid (to the extent possible) any kind of dogmatic appropriation. It is understandable why students might wish to imitate their teachers, but there are different modes of imitation. I try very hard to avoid the mimetic appropriation that is immediate, passive, and occludes thinking. One other reason is that if I made clear what my views were, and my views appeared as if they were final, it would preclude the possibility of first, students challenging me and second, learning from my students. The relation between the student and teacher is, to me, a dynamic relationship . . . Teaching and learning is a movement that occurs between. In other words, we are at once both agent and patient, both teacher and learner. If we are not very careful, we can do a great deal of harm. And that, too, I have learned from my teachers, Maimonides especially.

I believe my task is to provoke students to think and to engage them in genuine dialogue and questioning. To paraphrase a rabbinic saying, 'I have learned from my teachers, and I have learned from my peers, but I have learned most from my students.' And that is a continuous process of learning."

Sunday, 9 July 2017

LACC Professor anon racist and sexual epithets + dating students, soliciting bribes

(bribe requests include for special chain corporation gift cards according to anon source)

From: anonymous by request
Date: Sun, Jul 9, 2017 at 5:15 PM
To: mary rose lenore eng

also mention how she erases her reviews on meet my professor 
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: anonymous by request
Date: Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 1:10 AM
Subject: Complaint
To: "Tchen, Bernadette" tchenbw @ lacitycollege . edu

Hi ms tchen

I noticed you're the head of the English department and I wanted to register a complaint with you. I'd like this complaint to remain anonymous. I took English 101in fall of 2016 with professor anon and i noticed a lot of unprofessional behavior id like to report. I'm not saying this because I'm unhappy with my grade. I got an A. I just didn't want to say anything during the semester for fear of retaliation against my grades.

I noticed a lot of unsavory and racist remarks being made by anon. She would talk about minorities, saying  some are "the good ones". She said that black males are sexually aggressive while white males are level headed. She used the word nigger several times. She referred to US soldiers as people with bad genes who crawled out of some hole in West virginia. One of the students, a veteran, dropped the class even though he was doing well. She also said students can bribe her with gift cards if they want a higher grade during the final. 

When she marked my paper on an advertisement she told me to say that the hispanic women in the background are looking to marry white tourists to escape poverty. There was no evidence for that. She also returned one of my papers not because there was something wrong with it but because she disagreed with my opinion. She would also give extra credit to attend political meetings, something that has nothing to do with English. She also did not require any proof that we attended these meetings for extra credit. I also noticed people who could not speak English turn in essays with not one grammatically correct sentence in them and get an A. She went  out on a date with one of the guys in our class and read his essay to us even though it wasn't the best. Do we need to do these things to get a good grade? This is also a conflict of interest. Alot of people complained. She also frequently goes off topic about politics which is a waste of class time. 

Also, students could rewrite essays as much as they want to get a higher grade. What about the students like myself who did not have to rewrite any of his essays to to get an A. Is that fair to them?  I noticed that some of the Caucasian professors at lacc have very soft, bigoted standards...and the inflation I witnessed was not fair to students who worked hard or to LACC's reputation. On the final, she made 3 mistakes on it, and gave us the answers and the points. She gave us the question to the final and allowed us to bring in our own essay into the final to copy it in the green book. I never got back all my.papers and she would constantly compare us to her students at glendale and smc and would make very negative remarks about lacc. Ms, I'm on the deans list at lacc, and i have attended some really good schools. i have never met someone so crude, disorganized and unprofessional. She makes mistakes on the hand outs and changed the content of the final which wasted my time.

She doesn't write well either. 

She would wear shorts skirts, sit on the table and throw candy at us if we could answer her questions. Eng 101 is an important course for some programs. It's not something people just take for whatever. I'd like this complaint to remain anonymous....and i hope you take action rather than just collect anecdotes. I found it hard to concentrate in my other classes due to her behavior. I don't want her to get in trouble but I do not think she is a good fit for course as important as Eng 101. 

On Tuesday, December 13, 2016, Tchen, Bernadette tchenbw @ wrote:
Dear Student,

If you have already enrolled in your next level of English, please disregard the following message.

This is the last week of the fall 2016 semester, so if you have not enrolled in your English critical thinking course yet, I'd like to encourage you to do so as soon as you can. The two newly added English 102 and English 103 classes for this winter are still open. They will be taught by two excellent professors, respectively Professor Jeffrey Nishimura and Professor Sean Ireland. Here is the derailed information of the classes:

0189 - English 102 - Professor J. Nishimura - MTWTh 8:00am -10:45am in JH 211
3111 - English 103 - Professor S. Ireland - MTWTh 3:30pm-6:20pm in JH 313

If you plan to be an English major or earn an AA to Transfer degree, taking both classes this winter would actually help accelerate your pathway to transfer. Otherwise, either of the two courses will do, unless your target institution is CSULA which does ultimately require you to take their English 102 class if you did not take English 103 at LACC.

If you prefer to wait to take your English critical thinking class this spring, I urge you to enroll now so that you can choose your preferred schedule.

Finally, regardless of your choice and decision, I wish you the best outcomes in all your finals and a very happy holiday season.


Dr. Bernadette Tchen

Bernadette Tchen, Ph.D., Chair
Department of English and ESL

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: anonymous by request
Date: Wed, Jul 5, 2017 at 11:30 PM
To: Anderson, Randy L andersr @ lacitycollege. edu, "Kozeracki, Carol A" kozeraca @ lacitycollege. eduVillarjv @, anon, Keith Fink Kfink @ finklawfirm .com , "Tchen, Bernadette" <

Dear All,

I'd like to cancel the hearing. There's way too many lies in your investigative report and emails. I don't even want to be associated with the laccd. I also can't get any of my questions answered so I can prepare for it. I doubt it will be fair especially if you  are participating. All those emails were taken out of context and your faculty member gave me consent to send those emails to her. Did you verify those emails? Do you have any survellieance video, any witnesses that can prove I sent those emails and you have all the emails she sent?
 Is it inconceivable that someone sent those emails using my computer? Is my signature on those emails? Are fingerprints on these emails? Did you or a cybercrime unit conduct any foresenic or key stroke analysis? No, But you give those emails the same weight as written documents. I didn't send all of them out of the blue. Who does that? She took out her replies to mislead your investigation and you all fell for it. She even altered and lied about the emails I sent. And since she waited so long to report it, I don't even have all of her replies. I even proved some of that, and I would have ***** that **** if I had agreed to go out on that date she wanted, which was against her contact (not that you care).  She fucks students otherwise why would she arrange dates with them? And yes, she asked for bribes during the final. Everything I sent to Tchen, and the feds was the fucking truth. She told everyone how much she liked them and they all kept quiet like she was crazy and she got mad and said it.

And all those racist and sexual epithets and remarks..she said them. those are ideas Germans used to try to conquer the world and it's probably why she doesn't like veterans. And I have witnesses but they are all scared to come forward and they all remember those remarks. Dozens of witnesses not that the school actually cares. And I was already tired of the crap education and crap professors who have no real job prospects outside of the laccd. Tired of Professors and dean's who don't take pride in their skills. If ANON had any real skills (like telling the truth) she would take pride in her skills and she wouldn't just pass you or lie. It's not like you actually teach us anything we don't know so I'm definitely not missing out. That's my response to your fucking hearing.

anonymous by request
PS - I already transferred. 

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: anon by request
Date: Mon, Dec 19, 2016 at 10:58 AM
Subject: Re: Final Revised Copy
To: anonymous by request

No it's fine. Sorry I didn't write you back yesterday but I was super busy. We should go get a coffee or something. I'lll be out of town for a bit. Sometime in January maybe?

On Dec 19, 2016, at 7:57 AM, anonymous by request wrote:

Sorry professor, I shouldn't of said that.....

On Saturday, December 17, 2016, anon wrote:
Okay. Thanks anon. You've worked really hard. And you're a good writer. I look forward to reading it!


On Dec 17, 2016 12:29 PM,
anonymous by request  wrote:
Sorry again Professor,

This is actually my final copy. Please disregard all the other ones I've sent. I let my essay cool down, and since the deadline hasn't passed, I'd like to submit a revised copy. Also, I couldn't get the spacing and indentations in the paragraphs as close as you wanted since the program won't let me. 

Many thanks
anonymous by request

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